Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Harry's POV

I woke up to the sound of Liam's snores. He has got to have the loudest snore out of all the boys ... I mean really, can you not keep that under control? Well, last night I think we both fell asleep during the movies. Good thing the movie chairs are comfortable.

I slowly stretched and got up from my chair. I yawned and started my way down the stairs. When I got out of the movie theater I noticed Zayn didn't get too far. He was passed out on the counter in the kitchen. Just as I started to chuckle a little, I remembered what he had done to Sam. That bastard, I can't believe he would do that.

Then I realized he was drunk and he didn't really know what he was doing. Or at lest he better not. Either way I'm happy Sam and I got to spend that time together. I knew that when I was holding her, it felt like I was meant to. I hope she felt the click too.

It was really magical. I felt like I protected her, and I hope she realizes ... I really do feel something for her. I feel like she can make any dull moment amazing. I've really only known her for three days, but there is something about her. The way she makes me feel.

As I was thinking about everything going on with Sam I realized I need to freshen up before she wakes up. I started walking to my room to get my overnight bag. I just couldn't get her off my mind. As I got to my room I realized how dull and unorganized it was. Good thing Sam slept in Lou's room.

I picked up my bag from the corner and glanced at my alarm clock. No wonder everyone else is asleep. It's only 7:15 in the morning. Maybe I'll make a breakfast for everyone. That will show off some of my cooking skills. Every girl likes a guy that can cook, right?

I walked into the bathroom. I sat my bag on the floor and pulled out my clothes for today. I placed them on the counter and grabbed a few towels. I went through my usual routine, I slung the smaller towel over the shower curtain, I placed the bigger towel on the floor beside the mat, and turned the shower on. As the shower was warming I went ahead and started slipping off my clothes.

In the mirror, I noticed my abs have gotten very noticeable. That's always a plus. I took off my paper airplane necklace (along with the others) and sat it on the corner of the sink. I removed my trousers and then my boxers. I got into the shower and made sure I smelled nice.

When I got out of the shower, the room was filled with steam. I dried off and put the bigger towel around my waist. Next, I walked to the mirror and wiped it to see myself. Then I went ahead and opened the door so the steam would go away faster. I hope it doesn't take me too long to get ready.

I went ahead and dropped the towel from my waist. I slid up my boxers, then my tight black jeans, finally I slipped on my Rolling Stones tee. It fit me snug enough, although it would probably be big on Sam's small, lean body. I dried my hair, shook it, and took one last look in the mirror.

I walked out and headed for the kitchen. Zayn was sitting on one of the stools at the bar of the kitchen. That was when I herd a small whimper come from him.

"Zayn, lad? Are you alright?" I think he's been crying.

He turned around and that confirmed that he had been,"Haz, I didn't mean to ..." He trailed off and a tear slid down his cheek. I was confused at first, then I realized what he was talking about ... He remembers what he did to Sam,"I-I really didn't mean to Haz ... I didn't know what I was doing. She was just so beautiful and I was so drunk ..." Another tear fell. He really felt bad.

"Zayn, lad, I know you didn't mean it, but you need to clear things up with Sam .... not me. I understand you didn't mean it, but you had her trembling with fear. You scared her."

"I know, when do you think I could talk to her?"

"I would talk to her in a few days, give her time to calm down a bit."

"Alright, well then I may want to be going then ... I'll see you around Haz."

With that Zayn walked out of the door. A few seconds later I herd his car start up and take off. To be honest I felt sorry for the lad.

I walked over to the fridge and found some eggs, sausage, and a few more ingredients I'd need to make breakfast. Then I looked in the cabinets and got a few small pans out. I sat them onto the stove and turned the stove to the right temperature.

I put some biscuits into the oven and put some eggs into the pan. I got the sausage cooking and though I'd make some gravy too. As I was making breakfast Liam came out of the theater.

"What ya cookin'? It smells so good." Liam plopped down on one of the stools.

"Biscuits, gravy, eggs, and sausage." I replied.

"Sounds good, well I thought it was done ... So, uh, will you wake me when it's finished?"

"Sure thing lad." He went off to his room. He's probably sore from sleeping in the movie chairs as well.

I don't think anyone will be up for another good 30 minutes or so. It's about 8 and most the boys sleep in on the weekends. I was getting bored with no one to talk to so I went and grabbed my iPhone. I walked over to the iHome on the counter top. I plugged up my iPhone and started singing along to Vampire Weekend.

I finished cooking and turned everything off. I set the plates out for everyone to get what they'd like. I walked back to Liam's room and told him it was ready. He darted to the kitchen ready to eat. I was following behind when I herd soft whispers coming from Lou's room.

I walked to the end of the hall and stopped in my tracks. Through a crack in the door I saw Sam cuddled up to Louis. She was wearing his favourite striped tee. They were laughing together and Lou looked happy.

I was shocked ... but nothing could have prepared my heart for what happened next.

Sam leaned up and kissed Lou.

She kissed my best friend, and he kissed her.

I felt tears burning my eyes, threatening to fall at any second.

I didn't know what else to do, so I slowly walked back down the hall and out the back door. I got into my car with tear filled eyes and drove away. While I was driving, I couldn't help but wonder how she got away so fast.


Author's Note:

I'm sorry these chapters are so short! I just really like to change POV's. c: Anyways ... tell me what you think! Hope you enjoyed! (:

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