"What!? I cant do that!" i said. He rolled his eyes.

"Come on Kat! Dont tell me you've never skipped class before!" he said. I stayed quiet. He raised his eyesbrows at me. "You mean to tell me that you've never skipped class?" he asked. I nodded.

"Well, theres a first time for everything so say hello to the first!" he said.

"But-" i started but he cut me off.

"No buts! We are seeing that movie, not worry, and your gonna loosen up a bit kat!" he said. I slumped down in my seat abit. I knew he wasnt gonna let me not do this. After all he was the one driving.

"Here, lets listen to some music." he said and turned the radio on. Blink 182 came on. I turned to him.

"You like Blink 182?" I asked.

"Yeah, dorky huh?" he said.

"No! Its my favorite band!" I said. He looked at me in surprise.

"Really? Mine too!" he said. I laughed despite my anger for him making me skip class.

We jammed out to Blink 182 till we got to the theatres and when we did we got out and walked inside.

Joey told the dude at the counter that we needed two tickets for the planet of the apes. I pulled out some money but he Joey handed him a twenty before I could give him mine.

"You dont seriously think Im going to let you pay do you?" he asked as he handed me my ticket.

"Fine, but Im paying for snacks." I said as we went over to the concessions. We got a large popcorn, a pack of a candy called redvines, and two cokes. I was about to hand them the money when he pulled my hand back and gave the lady his cash. I glared at him as she gave him his change. He grinned in response.

I sighed, rolling my eyes and we walked over to our theatre. We got seats in the back. I slipped my shoes off and put my feet up on the seats infront of us, crossing my legs. We were the only ones in the theatre sinse it was 8 o'clock on a weekday.

"I like your nail polish." he said. I looked at my toes which were hot pink with lighter pink swirls on them.

"Thank ya kindly!" I said. He chuckled and picked up a peice of popcorn. He looked at it for a second then threw it at me.

"hey!" I said and picked up my own peice then threw it at him. He laughed and threw another peice back. We did this back and forth for a minute then we started trying to catch them in our mouths. We went through half the popcorn before we decided to actually watch the movie.

We watched for a while then I picked up a redvine and slapped Joey's cheek with it. He raised his eyebrows at me with a grin. He picked one up as well and we started sword fighting with them. After a moment he did a lunge towards my face and I bit off the end of his redvine. He laughed. We werent even thinking about the movie.

"OMGEEEE!!!" I said and he laughed "Guess what!!"

"WHAT!?" he demanded.

"THIS!" I said and jumped on his back. He laughed and jumped over the seats infront of us. He ran around the aisles with me on his back, laughing.

Soon we went back to our seats and plopped down. The movie was already three fourths the way done.

I put my feet back up and we watched it for a while. Then Joey slouched down on his seat and put his arms on the tops of the seats next to him so one was on my shoulders. I couldnt help but feel a bit of happiness at his touch.

We sat there and watched the rest of the movie then when it was over I put my shoes back on and stood up, stretching.

"I didnt really get it." Joey said as we walked out of the theatre.

I laughed "Thats probably cause we werent paying attention during most of the movie!" i said.

"Yeah, probably." he said as we climbed back into his truck.

"So, where to now?" he asked. I looked at my watch.

"Well we still have about 3 hours to waste untill schools over." I said. I wasnt even worrying about skipping right now. I was having too much fun.

"Ok, well how bout some lunch and ice cream?" he asked.

"Okay!" I said.

He drove us down to a DQ and I got a hot dog while he got two chili dogs and a cheeseburger.

I laughed. "What?" he asked.

I guestured to all his food.

"Hey! Im a growing boy! Besides! Im a football player what do you expect?" he asked and I laughed again.

When we we're done with our lunch we each got a chocolate ice cream cone and got back in his truck.

I looked out the window, licking my ice cream cone for a minute and just as I was turning around he tapped my nose with his finger, wipping ice cream onto it, laughing.

"Hey!" I said as I wipped the chocolate ice cream off of my nose.

I scooped a little onto my finger and tried to put it on his but he just licked it off my finger.

"JOEY!" I said wipping my finger off on my shirt as he laughed.

"KAT!" he replied. I rolled my eyes and we finished off our ice cream, joking around.

For the remainder of the time we just drove around town, jamming out to Blink 182.

At about 3:20 Joey dropped me off at my house.

"Thanks Joey. I had alot of fun." I said as he pulled into my drive way. He smiled.

"Me too Kat. See ya later." he said. I smiled at him.

"See you Joey." I opened my door and got out, walking to the front door.

I glanced back at him as he drove away. Today was probably the most fun I've had in...well...ever! And all thanks to a Mr.Joseph Michael Richter.

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