C H A P T E R - O N E

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Jack is in his home, chilling out for once instead of making videos. He hears a few creaking noises coming from outside of his front door. Curiosity flooded Jack so he decided to  investigate the noise. He opens his front door to be shown nothing but the hallway connecting all the apartments together. He hummed to himself and closed the door. He sat back down on his recording chair and decided to record No Man's Sky.

Jack was getting supplies for another warp sell, concentrating hard and being silent. He just mined some plutonium as he heard another creaking noise, this time closer to him. He shifts and looks behind him. "It's nothing." Jack said to himself before turning back to the game. He jumped back in his starship only to hear a high-pitched, hazy voice say "Nothing..."

Jack jumped and turned around, to see nothing again. Jack's neck hair started to stand as a cold wisp breeze nipped it. He turned back to his monitor still on edge from the sudden voice. Jack told himself that it was all in his head, but is it?

Jack rushed his outro, stopped recording and playing in general. He walked into kitchen and opened his fridge. As he scanned it he heard something in his apartment smash. He walked around cautiously, investigating every room he stepped in.

He finally made it full circle and walked into his recording room. He looked at his photography lights to see if any over-heated and broke. To reveal nothing, every single one of them are intact and working perfectly. He turned to his bookshelf and scanned every shelf one by one. But all his Sam's are fine, his bobble head Jack's are alright, his yarn badges are lying where their supposed to and his Kerbles are standing proud. But once he got to the bottom shelf, holding some figures, he saw his silver play button smashed open.

"Aw fuck. My silver play button..." He put his Boss from Metal Gear Solid 5 on the floor beside the bookshelf and grabbed the broken frame. His fingers trailed the broken bits that where still attached. He sighed and put the frame on his clean desk to deal with in the morning.

He went into his bedroom to see his girlfriend sound asleep on the bed. He crawled next to her without disturbing her and looked at the ceiling. He couldn't sleep with the thoughts racing in his head. What was those sounds? Who was saying 'Nothing'? How did his play button smash in his bookshelf? With those questions raging in his head his eyelids became heavy and closed themselves.

The Mutation - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now