■ Sketches + Rant ■

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The pictures are some wintery sketches I did in fourth period over the last week... bc why not

 bc why not

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Rant time.

So there's this girl in my Science class. Let's call her Butt because that's what she is. Now normally I tolerate people, but there are a few exceptions.
I don't know how to describe Butt...she's not exactly annoying but really irritating. But she's the friend of my friend so she's okay I guess. We were calculating density in lab today. To do that you must find out the mass. To find out the mass you have to put things on a balance.

Every. Fucking. Time.

Every time we went to a station (there are 8) she would immediately take the object and measure it out herself, leaving the rest of our team to just watch and she wouldn't let us help. Great. So now it looks like she's doing all the work. Butt would order us around and sometimes take 5 minutes just to get the mass (we only have 7 minutes at each station) when we still have to get the volume. (Which probably takes another 3-4 minutes)

Back at the table she was even more irritating. With less than five minutes of class, we still had to calculate the density by dividing the mass and volume. Generally it was a slow process considering we also had to round.

The damn Butt literally told us to hurry up every 30 seconds, when we knew. I'm pretty sure she also thinks of herself as the table leader based on her behavior? We're probably just a bunch of slow asses to her. Anyway, I kinda snapped and yelled at her, with this rapid talking nobody probably could understand xD

So yeah...don't be Butt. Be smart. Share your fucking balances. If you don't become Butt you'll surely be a good person. 100% guaranteed.

~ Sky

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