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I doubt much ppl are going to read this only 3 do but

I like answering questions.

Tagged by _-Fang-_ go follow her!!

×Favorite TV Show?×
I have a lot and it usually changes like every month but right now I love Mononoke ^v^

×Dream Country?×
Japan FTW. I can't speak, write, or read in Japanese but who cares

Why wasn't I born Japanese

×Least Favorite Country?×
Umm idk really how to answer this. I literally haven't been outside America yet it's really sad...

×Least Favorite Person?×
I'd have to say most boys at my school bc they're all the same: haircut, personality, clothing, annoying assbutts.. So yeah..

×Favorite Person?×
Of course my frands! Including Apple and Fang >0<

×Favorite Melee Weapon?×
Where the hell did this question come from?
I like swords because I grew up (and still am) with millions of stories either involving or revolving around them.

×Favorite Weapon?×
Look above. But I like knives too lol

×Favorite Black Market Weapon?×
How the hell would I know I've never bought at black market

×Favorite Food?×
(☞゚ヮ゚)☞ Ramen ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)

Yeh hope u enjoyed beautiful people


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