First Day of School

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Willo half-jogged and half-skipped down the sidewalk, her typically large smile showing on her face. "I forgot what it was like to have legs!" She giggled, oddly giddy.

"Why couldn't she have just shapeshifted into a form with legs like you do sometimes?" Jibanyan whispered to Whisper whose only reply was a shrug.

"Slow down, will you?" Jillinyan panted, racing alongside Nate in an attempt to keep up with Willo.

Willo glanced over her shoulder, "It's not like I'm sprinting or anything. I don't know why you can't keep up." Willo said in a mocking tone.

"We don't all have legs as long as yours!" Jillinyan hissed.

"We don't all even have legs," Whisper muttered.

"Please stop, guys. We're almost there." Nate begged.

Hearing that they were close gave Jillinyan an energy boost. She broke into a sprint, easily keeping up with Willo. "I'm so excited for my first day of school!" Jillinyan shrieked, a wide grin on her face.

They soon ran through the school gates, the large Springdale Elementary School building looming above them. By the time she reached the front steps, Jillinyan was out of breath. Willo seemed quite winded, too. "Running is a lot more tiring than flying," she muttered.

"Come on, I can't be late two days in a row!" Nate called to them as he raced through the school's front doors. The door swung shut behind him and would've smacked Whisper right in the face if it weren't for his ghost-like physics. Jibanyan nearly ran face-first into it though.

Straightening her vest and pulling a strand of brown hair behind her ear, Willo followed Nate into the building. Jillinyan rolled her eyes at Willo's over-tidyness. Was she OCD or something? Dismissing the thought, she followed the others through the halls, ready to burst with excitement.

Nate stepped into the classroom, Willo and Jillinyan following. The two girls suddenly had every pair of eyes in the room on them. A nervous smile appeared on Willo's face. If it was even possible, she seemed to somehow grow paler. Jillinyan froze under the students' curious stares.

Mr. Johnson smiled and straightened his glasses. "Class, I would like you to meet our two new students, Jill and Willow. Would you girls like to introduce yourselves?" Mr. Johnson asked them.

"You first," Jillinyan whispered to Willo.

"No, I insist, you first." Willo replied.

"Ladies first," Jillinyan insisted.

Willo opened her mouth to argue some more, but she couldn't think of an excuse for Jillinyan to go first. With a sigh, she turned to the classroom. Whisper gave her an encouraging thumbs up from where he floated next to Nate. "M-my name is Willow. I recently moved her from a small town quite a ways away. I met Jill and Nate when I moved because they are two of my new neighbors. I think that's all I really have to say," she introduced herself. She looked over at Jillinyan who was starting to sweat.

"U-um, hi? I'm Jill, but you already knew that. I also moved her recently and met Willo. It was really reassuring, knowing that I wasn't the only new kid. A-and, um, I think I'm going to find my seat now." Jillinyan ducked her head in embarrassment. How had she completely failed at that?

The two girls made their way to the open desk at the back of the row next to the windows.  They sat side by side as Mr. Johnson began to start the day's lesson.  Annoyingly Jibanyan laid atop their desk, taking a cat nap.  Jillinyan shoved him onto the floor in agitation.

"Nyaow!" Jibanyan screeched as he smacked face-first onto the floor.  Without Jibanyan to distract her, Jillinyan started listening to her new teacher again.

It didn't take long for her to loose focus.  Mr. Johnson's words were blurring together in her head, making nothing but a buzz of words that Jillinyan wasn't listening to. Just as she felt her mind drifting away, Willo smacked her leg under the table, snapping her back into focus.

"What was that for?" Jillinyan hissed.

"Pay attention!" Willo whispered harshly.

So, Jillinyan tried, though it wasn't long before she was bored again.  Suddenly, she had an idea. She placed her eraser delicately at the edge of her desk before flicking it into the air.  Jillinyan struggled not to laugh as it smacked Nate in the back of the head.  This is so satisfying and so much more entertaining than listening to this boring lecture, Jillinyan thought cheerily.

It didn't take long for her to set up another and fire it at Nate once more.  He looked around a bit, wondering where it was coming from.  Thankfully, Willo was to absorbed in her textbook to notice Jillinyan's antics this time.


Jillinyan was unimpressed.  School wasn't nearly as exciting as she had been expecting.  Well, if nothing else, the food was good.  She and Willo sat alone in the cafeteria, two empty seats across from them. But, what did they expect when Nate had his own friends to sit with and they were the new kids? 

"School isn't nearly as fun as I was hoping," Jillinyan complained.

"I think it's great!" Willo beamed.  "There's so much to learn, especially after all those years with no knowledge of what was going on outside."

"You always seemed like you were pretty smart, how much can you have to learn?" Jillinyan asked.

"Before I died, girls weren't allowed to go to school, and technology and knowledge have grown so much since then.  There's so much for me to learn!" Willo squealed.

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