Freed From The Capsule

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Jillinyan ran around the capsule blabbing on and on about how much she wished that she wasn't trapped in the same Crank-a-Kai capsule as Willo. As she ran around for her seventy-fourth lap, one of her blue, yellow-flamed tails smacked Willo right across the face. Willo scowled at the half human, half cat Yo-kai.
If Babblong is in the capsule next to us, I will be so annoyed! Being stuck in here with this fur ball is bad enough. I don't need to listen to the same complaints from the past twenty-one decades like they're a broken record, Willo thought bitterly.
Then, all of a sudden, Jillinyan stopped in the middle of her sprint, sending her blue hair flying into her face. She stared out of the white half of the capsule. "Willo, we're saved!" Jillinyan shrieked.
"What in the Crank-a-Kai are you talking about?" Willo asked as she floated over to Jillinyan's side. She looked up to see a human boy being followed by a ghost Yo-kai and a cat Yo-kai. In the boy's hand was a silver coin.
"We're saved! We're saved! We're saved!" Jillinyan chanted.
"Not yet," Willo corrected her. "If he were to put that coin in now, we would still be stuck in here. We need to get down to the bottom of the machine."
Jillinyan was too excited and lost in her fantasies to notice that Willo had even spoken. Desperate to free herself from the capsule and Jillinyan's terrible company, Willo continously shoved the full force of her body onto the bottom of the capsule. Unfortunately her ghost-like body did not hold the strength to move the capsule much at all.
"You could help me, you know." Willo growled at Jillinyan. "It's hard enough to move this thing without your extra weight."
"Are you calling me fat!?" Jillinyan accused.
"I'm saying that it's hard to move this capsule. You could at least help me instead of sitting there and making my job that much harder." Willo explained.
"I'm coming. I'm coming. Good grief," Jillinyan mumbled under her breath as she came to help Willo move the capsule.
Slowly, they made their way down to the bottom of the Crank-a-Kai. At one point, they passed a capsule with Babblong inside. "I knew it," Willo whispered to herself when she saw him. Jillinyan just looked at her like she was crazy. Once they were at the bottom, the two trapped Yo-kai waited for the boy to insert the coin and free them from the Crank-a-Kai and from each other.
"Are you sure about this, Nate?" the cat Yo-kai asked him as he was about to put in the coin. "The last time you attempted to get a half decent Yo-kai from this machine, you ended up with this guy." He pointed over his shoulder at the ghostly Yo-kai behind him.
"Whatever I get can't be much worse," the boy, Nate, replied with a shrug. Both statements left the little ghost Yo-kai seeming very hurt and upset.
Willo felt fury boiling inside of her. How dare they insult one of her own kind, especially when he was right there, listening to every word! Taking out her anger, Willo shouted at them to insert the coin. It wasn't long before both she and Jillinyan were calling out to Nate, telling him to set them free.
Taking a deep breath, Nate inserted the coin and turned the knob. Jillinyan and Willo were thrown about like rag dolls as the capsule rolled out of the machine and onto the grass. Thankfully, when the capsule stopped moving, so did they, and it took no time at all for the two Yo-kai to get their bearings. They looked up and through the white half of their capsule to see that there was no longer a pane of cloudy glass between them and the small clearing in the woods.
Both Yo-kai were joyous. During their celebration, they even hugged each other. Realizing what they were doing, the two quickly separated and rushed to opposite halves of the capsule.
Then, the capsule began to shake again as Nate picked it up off of the ground. The view from the white half of the capsule was obscured by Nate's hands as he forced the ancient capsule open.

The Deadly Duo (Yo-kai Watch)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora