Chapter 2: The Trek

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A/N: I know exactly what I'm doing with this so we might have a monster fic coming up but we'll see.
The rain had started to beat down on them as they got ready to head out. The sky had turned from a bright and vibrant blue to an ugly and depressing grey. They had moved everything inside as they normally would when it would rain and they were currently getting on their beaten and patched up jackets so they could make the trip out.

It was at least thirty miles to get to the nearest city, Maria and even longer to get to Rose and Sina. They were the cities that had stood up to the corpses, the cities that had built walls and checkpoints. They all had running water and gave rations, hell, Sina even had electricity. The cities had been built before the corpses came up but because they were so big and sturdy the government had decided to build walls around them to keep the corpses out. Anyone who lived in the cities would almost carry on with their normal lives, oblivious to the corpses and the others that lived beyond. If you entered the city you were never going to leave. And Levi hated that. That was part of the reason why he'd left. But there was a bigger and more important one than that.

Their lunch had been uneventful and lame. All it consisted of was potatoes and carrots which left them hungry. If Levi would have got the deer they would have had a large and filling lunch, probably the best in months, but the deer was gone and they only had vegetables left. And even if they had vegetables left there weren't a lot of them.

"Do you have everything?" Erwin asked. He was wearing a big brown jacket that swallowed him and his ripped and torn jeans and he had a big bag on his shoulders that held food, water, and others things like blankets, more clothes, and even a tent. Levi didn't want to stop and sleep anywhere but Erwin had insisted that they bring it. Levi was wearing a jacket as well, this one water proof, his jeans, and a bag that held the fox furs and whatever else they were going to trade. They just put a plastic tarp over Erwin so that his jacket and the bag wouldn't get soaked through.

"I think so. You have your gun?" A nod. "Knife?" Another nod, "Bat?"

"Levi, I have everything. I already checked twice. I'm fine." Levi sighed. He knew that Erwin would forget something or other, he usually always did, but he wanted to get going so he believed him.

"Alright. Lets let's get going." They had already wasted enough time so they really needed to get their butts in gear.

Levi was the first to step out of the cabin. The rain had started to pour down even more than it was before, beating down at an angle that hit them directly in the face. The wind had started to blow as well, shaking the autumn leaves off all the trees. Levi could hear thunder in the distance and his heart started to pound; he hated storms. Erwin stepped out behind him and in a matter of minutes Levi's jacket had almost started to get soaked through. He put all his worries behind himself as he took his first few steps away from the cabin and in the direction of the city. His gun was on his right and his knife was on his left.

He couldn't hear Erwin's sloshy footsteps over the sound of the pouring rain which seemed to not be letting up. The ground beneath his feet was muddy and wet, his shoes already soaked through. This trip would be difficult but they had to do it. Levi was squinting his eyes to protect them from the rain. His face was wet, his hair sticking to the sides of his face. The rain was cold and it was stinging because it was hitting him so fast.

They had only walked a kilometre away from the cabin and Levi was already regretting his discussion. He was startled when he felt a hand on his shoulder. His hand immediately went to his knife but when he turned to see what it was he let his hand fall by his side. It was just Erwin.

He pointed his finger ahead but Levi didn't hear what he said. He followed Erwin's finger and he spotted a corpse up ahead that was stumbling over to them. He took his knife out of his belt and started to walk ahead of Erwin, towards the rotting corpse. Its skin was a pale green colour and it smelt rancid. It's jaw was hanging on by a thread of skin and its tongue was hanging in its mouth uselessly. It was a truly disgusting sight. Levi held the knife in front of himself and when the corpse was in range he grabbed its throat, its skin feeling like puffy under his fingers. He plunged the knife into its skull and let the corpse fall to the ground. He kept moving.

Erwin was once again by his side a few seconds after and they were back to their original pace. Levi wanted to speed things up and get the whole trip over with already. It had occurred to him that they'd probably be spending at least one night in Maria and he hated the thought. There was just too much danger involved, and yet, he'd let himself get thrown into this mess. Oh well, fuck it, he thought.

The sun had gone down and they were drenched in rain and darkness. They got out their flashlights and turned them on, pointing to the bushes and trees ahead of them. The rain drops reflected the light, creating an eerie and unsettling sight, one that just screamed danger. Their feet were getting sore from wading through the mud and their bodies were chilled because of the rain water. It was all a recipe for disaster but they kept moving. They had been surrounded by darkness for what felt like an eternity but was probably only an hour before the rain let up. It was left at a light drizzle and Erwin and Levi had kept moving. Their shoes were caked in mud, some of it almost reaching their laces. Levi's jacket had soaked through completely and he was chilled to the bone, Erwin as well. They wanted to stop and rest but they knew they couldn't. Their stomachs rumbled in displeasure at the lack of food.

Levi knew that this trek would not be an easy one but he had not expected it to be this difficult.

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