Kaleb was the one to shake his head now, "And what would have happened if Emily and Cassandra had decided to say no, once they heard you were not confident?"

The parents exchanged yet another glance and my dad eventually turned to Kaleb.

"We were pretty sure we knew our daughters, they would not want anyone to get hurt if they could do something to stop it. But if they had decided not to, we would have sent them back to the world they know with the three of you, and hoped you would all be safe from Riltresik over there."

I was stunned, they had thought through every outcome of the situation, and part of my surprise was hearing that going back to our world was actually an option. But even as I thought about it, I knew I'd never leave my parents to fend off an army of those Dark things. I peered at the others and I knew they'd have never left with us either.

"Going back does sound good, but we've made our decision and we meant it, we'll learn to fight and live here, and hopefully be able to get rid of your bad guy." Emy stated but then a strange look crossed her face, "I have a question for after that, for when we win."

The parents raised their brows and Kayle chuckled, "I like the when part of the sentence."

Blaike, Kaleb and I grinned but the parents looked serious, Alacor leaned forward a little.

"What is it, dear?"

Emy tilted her head, she seemed to be composing the right way to ask her question.

"What happens when we've beaten this Riltres- guy? What do we do after that? I know Merkell said something about the stars but I want to know what actually happens to us?"

I raised my brows, that was an interesting question but the parents didn't seem to understand.

"What do you mean, what happens to you?"

Emy sighed, "What happens? Do we stay here and make a life for ourselves or will there be an option to go home?"

I turned quickly to see my mum and Emy's, frown deeply and both dad's sighed- they still disliked that we didn't consider this place home. I couldn't help but wonder how we would feel about it by the time this whole situation was over, if we were still alive by then.

The parents seemed to be thinking along the same lines I was, Colensa leaned forward to rest her hands on the table.

She looked at us with a forlorn expression, "I think we should cross that bridge when we arrive at it, but as with everything else, it will be your decision to make."

The conversation left everyone silent, nibbling at their breakfast. They'd realised we were committed to something that may take our lives, and the rest of this world right along with it. I was about to excuse myself from the dreary meal when someone walked in from the direction of the hallway. A man dressed in dark leggings, shirt and a strange, brown fur waistcoat, he looked middle aged and was stockily built.

He walked up to the parents and handed them a piece of what looked like paper; it was different to what we were used to but also different to the material Merkell had received his message on. The stranger walked out without another word and didn't look at anyone in the room as he left. I would have found that rude but nobody else seemed to have noticed. The parents opened the paper and read it together, in silence, I watched their expressions turn from sombre to delighted.

"Nearly every instructor we have requested has agreed to help us. Your first lessons will start today," my mum explained in a cheerful voice.

"I would eat as much as you can, you are going to need your strength," Colensa added with a smile, but I shared a frown with Emy.

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