Chapter 6

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Viktor huffed and puffed through the narrow alleys behind Din-Ryka. "We've got to stop and figure something out. This baggage is heavier than she looks."

Din-Ryka stopped and looked about, his mind spinning frantically, his breath burning in his chest. How could such a simple plan go so wrong? He harkened back to Viktor's warning, the simpler the plan the more difficult the execution. "Over there!" He pointed.

A two storey building with bright green awnings stood on a curve in the road between a garden of shrubs and flowers and an empty food stand. Crossing the street, Viktor handed his burden to Din-Ryka and proceeded to kick in the front door. They stumbled inside and headed immediately for the second floor.

Gothag and his men halted at the entrance to a warren of streets, wheezing and coughing from their rigorous pursuit.

"This is no good," Gothag moaned, "we'll split up and search. All we need is to catch sight of them, no heroics. Just yell as loud as you can and the rest will join up. Be off now."

Running as quickly as he had, made Marc a little dizzy and his head wound was bleeding again. He stopped to lean against a building wall while he wiped it with his sleeve and ponder which street to follow. There was no sign or sound of the others so after a moment, he chose to go left, the road winding up the hill.

Everyone in the city had gone down to the square and the empty streets and buildings echoed back his pounding footsteps. Reaching the top of the hill he stopped to listen again. Nothing. Now he was faced with three streets to choose from. Dabbing briefly at his head, he leaned over and rested his hands on his knees considering what to do. When it first caught his eye he didn't recognize it, but as he stepped closer his heart began to pound with excitement. It was the tiny horse he had given Kress, lying forlornly on the dusty brick road.

She must have had it with her and dropped it, or it fell from her clothes, he thought, picking it up and wiping it gently before securing it in his coat pocket. Heartened that he was going the right way, he started for the street nearest to where the horse had fallen but stopped suddenly, then flattened himself against the wall of a corner building.

Across the street, on a bend, he could see a shattered doorway under some green awnings. Suspicion made him cautious. Just then he heard voices behind him and, staying close to the buildings, he hurried back down the hill a short distance. Gothag and two of his men were slogging up the hill and cursing their luck out loud. Marc stepped out waving them forward and signaling for quiet.

"Marc! You're hurt. What's happened?" Gothag reached out and touched the wound gingerly.

He dismissed the attention, speaking hastily. "It's nothing. I'm fine. Here, I know nothing of guns." He said, handing the stunner to one of the soldiers and then hurriedly told them of the horse, the shattered door and his suspicions. Looking past Marc up the hill, eyes sparking, Gothag directed one of his men to find the others while they reconnoitered the house.


Viktor looked at the dazed girl slumped on the floor in the corner and said, "She's coming around."

"Bind her arms and mouth." Din-Ryka commanded, peering through the window onto the street below. He was thinking now, that they must get back to the cave somehow and escape to Belgar with the girl. It was a bad choice since he knew Gothag would waste no time in invading Belgar. Nor would he quit without saving his daughter or failing that, raze the planet and all inhabitants. How could this have happened to him? The plan was so simple! He glanced at Viktor, busy tying the girl, wondering if he spoke aloud.

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