Chapter 4: That's an oxymoron// Party Invites

Start from the beginning

"I am not a moron and how rude of you to say so." My mouth drops open as this boy pouts.

"No, that's not at all what I meant I'm sorry umm." As I'm stammering he starts laughing.

"I know what oxymoron means, a figure of speech in which contradictory terms appear in a conjunction. I'm Oswald, but please never call me that. Just call me Oby I'm Z's little brother, and this is my best friend Dustin but we just call him The Kid cause he's the youngest." He smiles and he looks nothing like Zander. I mean he's tall like him but where Z has blond hair Oby has black, and while Z has brown eyes Oby has dark blue. They are the complete opposite of each other. "I know what you're thinking. We look nothing alike. Like you, I'm adopted. Oswald Cane adopted at age 13." I remember that file I organized it into the cabinet the same day I found mine.

"I saw your case file. I mean I didn't look in it, that's illegal but I organized your name the same day I found mine." Oby looks shocked.

"How'd you find my file? It's with my adoption lawyer... Wait your dad isn't Kennith Carter is it?" By this time everyone in the group is staring at us and Zander is looking at me like I grew another head.

"Yeah he's an adoption lawyer but everyone calls him Kenny." Oby smiles and so does everyone else.

"We love your dad. He made it really easy for me to get adopted. It should have taken about 6 years but instead it only took 2, I owe him a lot." After we talked a bit more about the adoption, I figured out that my dad bought part of his dad's business and that's why we have so much extra money laying around. I also figured out Dustin well The Kid is Blades little brother which was pretty obvious they both have brown hair and brown eyes. I've noticed Turner, sorry Gunner, doesn't talk much and he doesn't really smile. I like to make him laugh cause he throws his head back, his red hair shines in the sun and his grey eyes brighten. These guys are going to be great friends. This is going to be a great school year. I know it.

Zander's P.O.V.

After lunch we all walk to our History class and we talk about how the club makes us all take AP classes to begin with. It shows discipline, we don't have to stay in the classes if we seriously can't do it. It's happened to a few of the members, but so far we are doing okay. My little brother Oby is having some trouble with his grade 11 calculus class but I'm going to try and help him with it tonight. This is the second time he's taking the class. Oby isn't one to give up, like us he's got homework on the first day. I understand why they give homework the first day of the semester. They need to figure out if you can succeed early on or if they need to move you to a lower level. During our lunch conversation we figured out that Gunner, Blade, Jay and I were all in Aubree's three classes that she has this semester, so this will be fun.

As we walk into history and sit down, "Welcome to AP History, you are in this class because you beautiful people are brilliant." Ugh gross one of those super positive teachers. "Sit wherever you want lovelies but there's no switching so make sure you pick good partners, you must have more than one partner but no more than 6. This will be a hard year so you'll need as much help as you can get." Perfect us five will be great together. History always has huge projects and long essays, so Aubree will be able to help us a lot. History is not my strongest subject, so I'm hoping Aubree can help me, and maybe it will help us get a little closer. "So we aren't doing any work today, we are just going to introduce ourselves to the class. When I call your name you will stand and say your full name, where you're from, and what you did on your semester week off. Let's begin. Amilia Adams."

"Hi my name is Amilia Leanne Adams,I'm from Cali, and on my break I went back home to visit my family." I know Amilia, she's kind of a party girl and I know what she did on her break. She went and got drunk and spent a night in the drunk tank in jail but, she's not going to say that. Going down the line of boring people, it gets to me.

"Hey, I'm Zander Clarke Cane but I'd prefer it if you just called me Z. This is my hometown, and this break I spent at my house with my friends drinking beer." Next is Aubree because our last names are so close. I like it because that means we are next to each other for anything alphabetically and most of the time, everything in school is alphabetical, so that's good for me.

"Hello, umm, I'm Aubree Lynn Carter. I'm from well here, and umm this break I was moving out of my dorm room from private school and setting up my bedroom back at my parents house." Aubree left out the part about her finding her adoption papers and I don't blame her.

"Private school wow that's interesting." Okay next..

We go on and on through the whole class. Most of the time I'm too busy looking at Aubree, memorizing everything about her face and Aubree is too busy reading the textbook to care about anything. The only time she stops reading and pays attention is when one of my friends gets up to speak. It's like as soon as she hears their name she looks up and gives them her undivided attention. She's going to fit in perfectly with us, she gives us more respect than anyone else at this school does.

Once the bell rings we all pack up our stuff, and while we all walk to psychology Gunner the lovely human he is pipes up, "So Z you were going to ask Aubree about some sort of party or something I think right?" As he says this Aubree looks at me with her beautiful green eyes and she has this cute confused look on her face. I guess now is a better time than ever.

"Now that you mention it, I do have a question, umm would you maybe want to come to Blades birthday party.. I mean like it's also a big beginning of the semester party, but the beginning is just our friends and family there'll be cake and stuff then later pretty much our entire school will be there drinking and stuff but we'll look out for you, I won't leave your side I promise and I'll take you home whenever you want!"

By this time we're stopped in the hallway and I didn't realize I was rambling on, the boys are smiling at me but I'm looking at Aubree, and the smile on her face already gave me my answer but I still wait for her to respond. "You had me at a birthday party." The smile on her face grows as I smile. "You are so cute." I don't think she meant to say it out loud by the way her face goes white then bright red. I forgot the boys were standing with us and I'm reminded when they all aweh at her like mothers do when their babies yawn.

"It's okay Aubree, I think you're cute too." Tyler clears his throat and I can tell he's bored with the conversation. "We should get going before princess over here loses his mind from boredom."

"HEY! Rude much." Tyler is pouting now and walks up to Aubree "A, you don't think I'm a princess do you." Aubree is trying not to laugh but shakes her head no.

"No of course not, but you are a little bit obnoxious," We all start laughing, I love her sense of humor. Blade goes off, obnoxiously might I add, about how he's not obnoxious and about how Aubree doesn't know what she's talking about. "Hey Blade honey, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's a fricken duck." Once again Aubree has us dying from laughter, now all that's left is to finish the school day. Then we can go home and work on our calculus homework. I'm excited to have Aubree as a friend and I can already tell I want her to be more but I have to take this slow because she has no idea what she's getting herself into being friends with guys from The Saint's. Tonight will give her a little bit of a better idea and Saturday night will give her an even bigger picture, and hopefully by that time she'll decide if she wants to be friends with us or not.


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