Chapter 30 | Target: Authority

Start from the beginning

"Always having to act like the hero, Alix. It's getting really old now, face it. Remember your old friend Dolph Ziggler? See, his mind was corrupted by power. His mind was corrupted by The Authority. He gave in and began to abide by our rules and the same will happen to you, all in due time. What is it about authority that you don't understand?" Triple H began to sound very irritated by my presence. 

"See this proves my point. You're nothing but a power hungry jackass, who gets pleasure out of seeing other people suffer. Speaking of Daniel Bryan, where is he? Answer me that Hunter, because ever since you called him into your office earlier tonight he hasn't been seen since." I clenched my fists tightly. My teeth gritting as I awaited his response.

"Conspicuous by his absence on that stage, is one Daniel Bryan. Daniel not being up there is symptomatic of Daniel's problem. Daniel's problem is his ego, so tonight Daniel Bryan will be in this ring and he will get, the opportunity to pick any one member of The Shield to go one on one with tonight." A grin appeared on Hunter's face as he dropped the microphone to his side. I watched as each member of The Shield held their heads high whilst rubbing their hands together.

"He doesn't have a choice in that does he? You're the most sadistic piece of bull crap I've ever met in my life. I know why you're doing this Hunter, you're doing this because I left your dictatorial little faction." Spurts of anger just began to shoot out of my mouth, I couldn't control it any longer.

"I see you're missing two of you so called 'closest friends' up there Alix. Punk and Cena correct?  Well why don't you take a look at the titantron." I spun around and tilted my head upwards at the tron as Hunter suggested.

The screen panned to the men's locker room which looked seemingly empty however, my facial expression changed to a much more stunned look once the camera had moved downward. There lay both Punk and John on the floor unconsciously. I muttered a few things under my breath as the camera moved upwards again showing two figures standing there. Randy and Dolph. I clenched my fists tightly together as my mind rethought about last night when Dolph entered the trainer's room to 'check up on me'. He was nothing but a piece of scum. A brainwashed, sell out piece of scum. I turned on my heel to face Hunter and The Shield who were now snickering away to themselves. 

"This, ladies and gentlemen is what happens when you go against authority. This is what happens when you create an uprising. This is a lesson to all of you standing on that stage. You do NOT challenge authority." Hunter smirked eagerly as he dropped the microphone to his side once more.

I had nothing left to say, it was as if I had lost the ability to talk. He had gone after Punk and John again and I wasn't there to help prevent it. That's why he separated us, that's why he banned them from coming out here. The Authority are trying to get into my head and I couldn't bare it.

"I think this is great and I'm really excited. I'm happy for the people that spoke up and i'd like to reward them. Kofi Kingston, it means a lot to me that you would help this process, you're a true leader in the locker room and i'd like to reward that. Kofi, tonight you will get a non-title intercontinental championship match with Curtis Axel." The crowd cheered as Kofi stood nodding his head. I felt proud of Kofi considering he spoke up about the real problems when nobody else would before him.

"And Alix, you are going to get the opportunity to step in this ring for a Diva's Championship match with AJ Lee. " I was shocked, my mouth dropped open. He must be playing me right now? I just insulted him in front of the whole locker room and WWE Universe, yet he's rewarding me with a match? Something didn't seem right at all.

"However, you have someone who'd like to see you first and the shield guys will happily help you to stay put." I cocked one eyebrow up as all three members of The Shield began to walk toward me, ripping off their titles and placing them to the floor. I backed up a little toward the back of the stage as they advanced toward me with their signature sickening grins. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the WWE Champion Randy Orton!"

I hear voices in my head,

they council me, they understand,

they talk to me

I froze in place. It was as if my whole body had just stopped working. Randy's theme music hit my ears causing me to become frozen on the spot. I felt his chest touch my back which made my head spin slightly. I turned around and glared up at Randy as he stood there, clutching his precious title to his chest. I scowled and managed to maneuver my way around him, running to the locker room where Punk and John were knocked unconscious. I hurried my way there but before I could even remotely open the door, Dolph stood there with a sorrowful expression on his face.

"Get out of my way Dolph. Don't you dare stand there looking sorry. You didn't care about the fact I got hurt, you just did that to think i'd soften up with you. Well guess what, it didn't work because you've only boosted my hatred for you." I growled, my eyes focusing on his ashamed expression.

"Alix I want you to know I've changed, I didn't mean to do that." 

"You didn't mean to do that? Nice try Dolph but you can't just change in the space of five minutes. Get out of my sight before I make you. I'm sick of your bullshit, so just stop harassing both myself and my friends and leave us alone." I yelled at the top of my lungs without a care in the world about who would've heard. Dolph scooted aside then eventually took off, hanging his head in shame.

I approached both Punk and John who were now being treated by medical attendants and referees. I tried my best to help out both of them but it was definitely a struggle. My mind was still somewhere else after Hunter had mentioned I had a title match with AJ. I followed the medics as they escorted both John and Punk to the trainer's room. As I was lost in thought, AJ also came in a few moments later.

"I'm sorry Alix, I never knew he was going to give us a match. I would've warned you if I had known." AJ's tone was filled with sadness and I could tell she was loosing her mind at the same rate as me.

"It's alright, it's not your doing. This is just a way for them to get into my head. I apologize for letting this happen, it's my fault they're doing all of this." I said. AJ then hugged me tightly before releasing and attending to Punk. I slumped down against the wall, trying to collect my thoughts instead of having a rather jumbled mess of a mind.

I couldn't fight against AJ. I'd end up getting angry and actually hurting her mentally as well. I didn't want us to lose our friendship over some silly title match. I wanted to hold the title at some point but this match just wasn't right at all. I didn't want to disappoint AJ by refusing to go along with the match as she always got really eager about title matches. I had been put into a dilemma that I didn't even want to be apart of, but of course that's just repercussions.

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