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A few more months later

**Matty's P.O.V**

I was in a cocktail bar in London, it's a nice bar opposite Covent Garden, I'm with the boys and this girl I am seeing, Gabby. Our relationship isn't really very serious and to be honest my heart isn't really in it. I haven't seen or spoken to Ashley since apparently she saw me and the blond girl, I had apologised so many times when George finally told me, but it seems she's happy with her new relationship and she has done ridiculously well, she on her headline tour around the world playing to pack out venues, she touring with the weeknd later this year and there's rumour that her and Justin Bieber have a song together coming out, she's come so far, I'm so proud, but is hold t be proud she's not my girlfriend, I'm still naming my album after her and it's set to come out early next year. My music starts blaring through the sound system, it's Chocolate,
"Babe I put your music on because I love this song," gabby says sweetly sitting next to me at the bar, it's late afternoon, a group people come in, Americans, you can tell,
"Yea we're dressed in black from head to toe," a man sings along, he has dark hair and I recognise him but I don't know where from, I study the group, there's that man, a short girl with jet black hair, a man with sandy coloured hair, a guy with longish hair, and two people at the back, his arm is around her shoulder, she rolls her eyes,
"We're not going in here," she protests, she has short blue hair, she's laughing, I know that laugh, that beautiful laugh, oh fuck, oh no, it's Ashley,
"Shit," I mouth to Adam gesturing at them, he looks and laughs,
"Good luck bro," he says coming over.

I watch them for ages, I watch her for ages, she gets up, their all singing gesturing at her when ever the words Metin something about a girl, she crosses her arms jokily, she's sittings not Peders lap, I worked out that the others were Anthony, Sheppard and Jenna, I didn't know who the other guy is,
Ash gets up, "where u going," Anthony calls after her,
"To get a drink, u want," she smiles, he nods, she makes her way to the bar like an angel, she's wearing skinny jeans and a leather jacket , she looks around at her friends, Girls is playing, their all dancing ridiculously, oh wait, their dancing like me,
"What are you twats doing," she says shaking her head and laughing, she's so beautiful,
"Matty Healy impressions," Sheppards yells laughing, she rolls her eyes and takes the drinks off the bar, as she sits back new, Me starts playing,
"Well this is a let down, this is such a sad song," Jenna says taking a long swig of drink, Ash smile and stares into space, I can't decide that expression on her face, she mouths the words to her self for the chorus and shakes her and sips her cocktail, I am in a gaze watching her, Gabby come over,
"Matty, do you know Halsey, you probably don't, well she's over there and I love her and I'm goanna go say hi," she speaks in a hush tone,
"What?" I at looking at her, "you like Halsey?" I'm in shock,
"Yess," she says smiling "she's incredible, well I'm gonna go and say hi," she starts to walk off,
"No," I grab her arm, "let's have another drink,"
"Fine," she says crossing her arms, "but I wanna meet her,"
As if on cue George is playing with the sound system, they are all finding this very funny, Hurricane starts playing, I think it's a remix.

"Yessss, boiiiisss," Anthony says laughing his head off,
"Are you fucking joking," Ashley says looking around, some grabs her arm to dance with her, she gets up, "I'm a hurricane," she mouths, dancing and singing, the song finishes and ghost comes on, I glare at George, she smiles like school kid, Ashley and the others make there watt I the bar, im inches away from Jenna's arm, they still haven't noticed I have to get out, Ash obviously doesn't want to see me, Is There Somewhere, comes on, Gabby grabs my arm,
"This is my favourite," she smiles,
"Really," I say laughing,
I dance with her, I'm now facing Ashley, she hasn't noticed,
"Your writing lines about me," Ash sings, "romantic poetry," she runs a finger down Peders face, I feel a stab of pain in my heart,
The lyrics continue, and then the instrumental I listen to this song the whole, time it makes me miss her like hell, and noes she's standing here, it's building up, Gabby spins around, she knocks into Jenna by accident, she apologises, Jenna smile at her, her eyes make their way to Me,
"Fuck," she says, still looking at me, tapping Anthony on the shoulder, he looks around and stares, every then looks at her with their mouth open, Ash turns back around and filled everyone's glazes, her eyes climb up my body and freeze on my face,
"Shit," she mouths, time freezes as our gazes meet,  Gabby follows my stare, she runs up to Ashley, and shakes her hand,
"Hello, I'm Gabby, I'm a massive fan of yours, she says energetically, she follows Ashley's gaze still at me, "oh that's Matty, ignore him, he's drunk too much as usual, he's in a band, The 1975 you might have heard of them," she smiles, Ash blink twice and looks at Gabby,
"Hi, I'm Ashley, it's so nice to meet you," she smiles,
"Your music is literally the greatest ever," Gabby says sucking up,
"Well," she smiles, "I wouldn't say that, but thank you so much,"
"I'm so excited for Badlands," Gabby sits next to her,
"Yea, so am I, I haven't even written it all yet, I'm so screwed," Ash smiles a rolls ever eyes,
Gabby looks up to everyone staring at them, she look at me with questioning eyes,
"Well this is strange," Ross says cheerily from behind,
"Shut up," George says hushing him,
Gabby comes and takes my arm, "This is Matty,"
Me and Ashley make eye contact,
"I know," she huffs,
"Oh so you know each other," Gabby says in surprise, Ashley pushes pass me,
"Unfortunately," she mutters, walking off,
She passes the boys, I'm guessing she smiled at them because ether smile and nod back,
"Oh shit," Jenna puts her head in her hands,
"What the hell happened," I say with my eyes wide,
"Just, just," Peder stutters, "just leave her alone,"
"Why?" I yell, shocking them,
"Because you hurt her, and she's finally moved on," Anthony yells back, he's louder than me.
"I've apologised a million times, she never ever returns my calls, or answer my texts" I say slumping down on a chair,
"You hurt her," Jenna says loudly,
"She hurt me too," I say,
"For goodness sake, Matty, you don't know what she's been through, she had your fucking ch...." Ashley's yell interrupts him,
"Sheppard! That's enough!" She screams shaking her head, they all go over to her,
"Good one Sheppard," Jenna mutters, "which part of Never tell Matty, do you not understand," she shakes her head, what did she mean, what are they not telling me.

They all leave, Ashley is the last to go, she fishes something out her pocket, and chucks it over to me, I catch it,
"Tell me if I can use it," she says shrugging and leaving, I look down ft he memory stick, it's got a label on it,

Colors- demo

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