Sometimes I liked to wonder what Mom's previous life was. Whether it was as heinous as her silence towards many things always implied. What she had done to make her run so far from it. Tragically, I would never know.

She died with all her secrets.

"So I'll see you on Monday?" Henry asked.

I made a noise of agreement going back underneath my blanket "Yes you will."

"Make sure you eat," He said dangerously tittering into his mother hen zone. I rolled my eyes underneath the duvet "Sure mom. It's not like I don't know how to microwave my own Thai food."

He laughed and I couldn't really remember what came afterwards because I sunk back slowly into the tentacles of slumber. I woke up about an hour later and the apartment was empty save my presence. I stayed underneath the duvet for a few more minutes to savor its warmth then hopped out of bed. After showering and brushing my teeth, I poured myself a bowl of cereal and sat cross legged on the living room couch.

The crunching of the cereal in my mouth made the most noise in the entire apartment. It was that quiet. I tried not to let my eyes linger on the coated red brick wall. All I could think about was what my sister might have done in the few days leading to her disappearance and if it was what caused it.

Despite what Detective Connor might have drawn in his conclusions I knew my sister. She wouldn't lie to me about anything. We were in everything together, that was our pact. We both swore that we would never deceive each other the way our mother had deceived us. We didn't lie to one another. There was surely a logical explanation for what that witness must have seen.

"Just so you know that witness is lying. She was told to say what she did," the memory of what Reign said last night haunted me. Anyone with two brain cells wouldn't believe a word he said. I shouldn't believe a word he said. Yet his skill as a mind twister was greatly harnessed. Knowing Reign there was a chance that he actually was telling the truth. The man had eyes and ear all over the town as he so fondly stated plenty of times. The odds were equal. Reign Meyers could have valuable information that would help me find my sister. The real dilemma was how much I was willing to give up for it.

"I said that if you came willingly, I wouldn't let you go."

He kept his word. I knew that much about him. I'd already made the mistake of letting my desperation lead me into the lion's den in the first place. I could prolong it as much as I wanted but I knew that he was waiting patiently for his jittery little deer to make a move before he pounced. And boy was he going to pounce.

I needed answers. I needed help. Almost every avenue I sought had failed. The police didn't even pretend to care about it, with the exception of Connor. And his investigation wasn't even going in the right direction if the witness's statement turned out to be falsely motivated. That put the rest of his findings in jeopardy.

Henry was a good soul who loved Willy and tried his best but his family's influence couldn't be harnessed since his parents had been trying to pull him away from the entire situation instead of helping him find the love of his life. Her disappearance to them might as well have been in blessing in disguise. It meant that apart from holding my hand and waiting on the results the police brought there was nothing that he could do.

I couldn't even resent him for it. There was no energy left for that. All I wanted was to get my sister back. In any way necessary.

No matter what it would cost me.

I sighed going into my bedroom to change clothes. Appeared as though I needed to take a long trip downtown.

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