C H A P T E R . 2 -- Interrogations

Start from the beginning

Leia was more than overwhelmed to be able to read his in this moment however, but the reassurance that he could read hers eased her a little further. "I found a bounty posting for her—from us—so I sent 3PO and R2 to get—"

"That could take forever they walk so slow. How much time do you have?"

"I put—"

"Oh," mind-reading it.

"—them on a truck. Yes, thank you." She reaffirms her grasp of his arm, grateful that she wouldn't have to waste as much time explaining everything, grateful even more-so for the one true companion she had in this world. "I wish I could just hand over jurisdiction to you so you could continue when I leave, and I don't even think holding her much longer is safe: the cage must open to feed her."

"I haven't heard of Audinic either by the way. Do you have the bounty entry to pull up?"

"I think I can here, but we won't be able to see the hologram here until R2 gets back," Leia says, motioning her guards to follow her to a computer and starts searching through entries. "The name she gave me was Terra Go of the Light of Audinic... But her name with the Sith is—was—Blazen. She was being groomed as an apprentice... The name 'Blazen' doesn't show up but 'Terra' did." Finding the entry, "Ok, here: Terra of the True Light."

The woman speaks up, almost jocular, "Only half of that is right—or two-thirds, whatever—It's funny, Terra's apparently a common name, so you people tend to call me it like you're nicknaming a pet or something. But it's Terigo please. T-e-r-i-g-o. Type that in. I'm curious if anything pops up." Leia and too many others had been mistaken by the 'reh'/'ruh' of the ri syllable sounding too similar to the 'raw' of Terra.

"Anyways," Leia and Luke turn from her, "Terra is from—"

She laughs: "Oh come on!" making a playful cross-armed pout for just a moment.

Luke felt Leia was equally as stunned by the woman's mood. She faces death or imprisonment without concern? Without fear?


But the door opens and R2 and 3PO wobble in as fast they can.

"Master Luke!" 3PO says. "It is so good to see you back."

Luke only gives him a nod and follows R2 to the computer, hoping 3PO will get the hint he's busy with thoughts. Once R2 is hooked in, Leia starts sifting through files on the screen.

"Okay, so here's the details of the bounty posting: He was on the—"

"He?" Luke asks.

"Well," Leia stretches belief, "maybe she was undercover, like with the Sith."

"Well, then just look for a holo."

Leia's frustration pushes her to continue reading, wanting to find something that matches this sane-looking psychopath, "He/she was on the Jedi High Council but banned for following his depraved religion of the True Light and its sadistic trainings."

"R2, just pull up the holo," Luke says.

And projected out of R2, there it shines. A large holo of him talking. Just him; the others are cropped off-screen for the bounty entry, and the audio is turned off.

The image is indeed a man. No older than 50, with a youthful face that even a Sith Lord would call beautiful. His teeth show frequently through his continuous smiles, and his giggle moves his whole body, genuinely; not one perfunctory white-lie in any ounce of his gestures. This man... if he had hugged you as a stranger, you would feel glad he did. Luke and Leia even seem to become softer watching him.

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