Bed Of Flowers

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Everyone is going through a struggle,
One we may not know about.
They may be ready to give up,
And they may be ready to scream it out.

Their struggle may be more than that,
They may be ready to disappear forever.
They may not believe they're beautiful,
Or funny, or talented, or clever.

They may not even think they're loved,
And inside they may feel worthless.
They're fighting an internal battle,
And they're probably under stress.

We have to watch the things we say,
We do not know the people around.
They may be afraid, or confused,
Or just begging to be found.  

The thing we say, could make it worse.
We could hurt them even more,
That is something I know,
Because I've been there before.

You see the people around,
You know they're there.
But you feel lost inside,
And the pain's a lot to bear.

But you're not alone,
That's something you should know.
It will get better,
You won't always feel this low.

Someone will help,
You just need to trust.
Someone will hear you,
Keep fighting you must.

We don't know your struggle,
It's different than ours.
Together we can help each other heal.
Together we can grow, like a bed of flowers.

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