°Hope For The Hopeless°

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Bronx S.

My feet bled as I ran against the shattered glass that was on the pavement tears brimming in my eyes as realization finally struck me full force. There was no changing Sid he would always be an abusive fuck who liked to punch things when he didn't get his way. Breathe just breathe. I chanted robotically in my head as I ran down the streets past crack heads that littered the sidewalks begging me for money. I was caught as he knocked me to the ground by punching me in the jaw as I lay in complete pain. Maybe this was my fault for trying to see the good in everyone because maybe there wasn't good in everyone & I was stupid to believe it true.

I lay on the ground curled into a ball as he repeatedly kicked me spewing venomous words. "See all you had to do was come back B that's all" he growled sending a blow to my ribs.

"We could've been a happy family I would've changed for you" he whispered leaning down to my battered & bloody face.

"You wouldn't h-have changed & we w-would never be hhh-happy Sidney". I rasped blood spewing from my mouth as I looked into his once beautiful & happy green eyes.

"Yes we would!!" He screamed arching his leg to send a kick to my head when a pair of raggedy timbs came & knocked him off me.

"Are you okay can you hear me" yelled raggedy Timbs standing over me glancing back at Sidney's retreating form as he ran down the sidewalk.

"Thank you" I said before darkness encased my vision comforting me & momentarily releasing me from my pained state.

Hope. When Pandora opened the box & disease spread throughout the world a small winged girl named Hope came out as well telling us as long as she existed she'd fight for us even if sometimes she didn't win. She was with us all.

Maybe that's why I lived to see another day maybe hope saved my stupid life but I didn't have hope for myself. So who had half a brain to have actual hope for me.

StringsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora