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 Nina lay on her bed with a book She had to read for English in her hand. Alicity and Amber were on the other side of the room squealing over what to wear for this date with Mick, Amber was going on. 

Finally Alicity left the room to go find Patricia while Amber done her hair and make up. 

"Eyeliner or no eyeliner Neens?" Amber asked as she turned to look a Nina with only half a face of makeup on.

"No eyeliner" Nina replied taking her eyes of my book. 

"Amber can we talk?" She asked her. 

"Sure Nina, Is it about Fabian. How's Fabina?" She smiled as she put on her false eyelashes. This was the Amber Nina hadn't seen in a long time. The one where she would ask her things about her life and squeal over Fabina. It  made Nina feel bad about what she was going to say next but she needed to talk to her.

"Actually Amber, it's not" Nina started, "It's about our friendship"

She nodded as a signal for Nina to carry on, "Amber we used to be so close but then when Alicity came here suddenly i'm not your best friend anymore. Amber I feel left out, i don't get included in anything" 

"Nina, it's different now okay? Ali, Me, Patricia, Joy and Mara were all one group before you came and Ali left. Now she's back Nina everything changes. If i was in charge of the group you'd be in it but Nina i'm not. Ali is and Ali doesn't like you that much. You seen what she done to Joy, she kicked her out and luckily she had Mara who wasn't interested in befriending Ali again. I'm sorry Nina, but we're still friends okay?" Amber tried to explain to Nina while applying her foundation and concealer. 

Nina nodded, She didn't really know what to say next so she just left the room. It was the smartest thing to do next. She was Mad though. Super mad! 

How could this Brown haired, Beauty queen came to Anubis and completely ruined Nina's life! Nina's life was better when her life was on the line trying to get the mask of Anubis or the cup of Ankn. 

Amber was right, things were different now and Nina was stronger and she was going to fight back . She needed to get revenge on Alicity. 

Alicity's Pov 

I walked out my room and towards the stairs but i didn't get far as i thought as i bumped into a significantly small body.  

"Im so sorry Ali" She paused, "Sorry Alicity" 

I did something i didn't think i would, i didn't shout at her or tell her not to call me that. I Did something unusual for me. 

"Ali, Joy, Ali." I said, "We can be friends again. You and Jerome are over and anyway if you are together i don't mind" '

"Is that because you like someone else" Joy laughed, Suddenly everything was back to normal. We were best friends again. 

"Come on we have a lot of catching up to do. " I smiled.

Me, Joy, Patricia and Amber were in Amber and Joy's room I was helping Amber with the final touches to her hair and make up while we were all chatting away about our lives. 

I told Joy all about Nicky and Amber gave every detail in her and nick's relationship and Patricia admitted she still had feeling for Eddie......


So this was meant to be a lot longer than this but i don't really  have time right now to write this. But i ill try update more. 

I am really sorry it's so short! 

Much Love 

Tasha xxx

A year without a mystery (HOA season 4)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz