The return of Double trouble!

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Nina's Pov

"Nina, Nina! we're almost here! Look i can see it" Amber yelled waking me as we took a Cab from the train station to Anubis house. 

"I can't wait to see Alfie" She smiled going of in another one of her rants about "Amfie"

I had learned to tune out. I was of course excited about returning but I knew i didn't want to get overly excited about seeing Fabian, cause we broke up. I hoped he hadn't moved on and for Amber's sake i hoped Alfie hadn't moved ob because i was not in the right mind to deal with a heart broken Miss Millington, but wow she had tones.

I knew everyone else would of already been here but it's good to make a surprise entrance. I was now starting to feel very nervous, what if fabian had moved on? He had every right to but i really want him back. I was also worrying about the whole Chosen one and Orsiron being together thing. We weren't meant to be, but then who was he meant to protect me? I didn't understand it to be honest, i Just prayed this year would be normal. 

Amber walked through the door first with two of her many suitcases, then i followed. But What we saw was going to break Amber's heart. This girl, who i'd though was in Isis house was standing snogging the life out of Alfie. 

"Amber, Nina" Trudy announced and everyone came running to greet us. 

"Nina!" Patricia yelled wrapping me in a hug, then doing the same to Amber who stood in her own little world. 

"Right, Amber, Nina because they're are so many people coming back you two will be in the attic but it's been converted into a nice bedroom for you both."Trudy said. 

"Dinner will be ready in half an hour," She then said. 

i greeted the raining house mates who i hadn't said hello to, i couldn't help but notice, Mara and Fabian standing too close to each other, maybe i was exaggerating but wow they were close. No, Nina, it's all in you're head. They're not together.

I took my case into our new room and it was then Amber burst into tears. "Nina, how could he?"  She cried into her pillow. 

"Amber, you were away for a year, he moved on" I tried to explain to her, but i wasn't getting anywhere. 

I tried to comfort her but  she continued to cry. I eventually gave up and started to unpack. I was half way through the unpacking when Joy posed her head around the door saying it was dinner time. 

I dragged Amber with me and we made our way to the dining room. 

When i got there i was immediately not Hungry when i saw Fabian and Mara flirting with each other. "Oh is Fabian trying to flirt?" Patricia joked.

"Yacker," Eddie looked at Patricia then Me. 

"Ohh, sorry Nina didn't see you there" Patricia was just making the situation worse. I felt like just bursting into tears but i didn't because Trudy soon served up her delicious Macaroni cheese. 

I Knew something was going on with Mara and Fabian and that something just happened to break my heart!


First chapter and poor Nina and Amber have their hearts broken! this seemed really boring but it gets better i promise!!!

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