Moves are made

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a few days later..... (Willow had left)

"Guys, pair up! boy and girl!" Mr Lyon announced as he stood on top of the stage. "You have a minute or i'm doing it" He finished.

"Amber" Mick called as he broke away from the group of guys he was standing with as they all discussed which girl they'd pair with.

Amber gave Ali the look as to say, ' You did talk to Steven and he did talk to Mick' as she moved away from the group of girls bring her magazines with her.

Eddie moved towards the group of girls, coming to stand at the front of them where Alicity was stood hands on her hips,

"So, Ali umm?" Alicty stared at him, "Do you wanna be my partner?"

Alicty threw on the fake laugh, "You want me to be your partner?" Eddie's face turned dark shade of red as Alicty kept talking, "You'd have more luck with a pig, oh and by the way it's Alicty to those who aren't my friend." Ali turned around leaving him standing there completely embarresed.

"Steven!" Ali called. "I need a partner and who's better than your twin"

"Sorry Ali, i'm with Joy" Alicity eyed the pair, knwoing this was unusual. and now that she stilled hated Joy, this couldn't be lasting. Maybe he had no other choice? But then he did. Mara, Patricia, and her where all left standing there.

"Jerome! Alfie!" Patricia called walking towards them dragging Alicity with her.

"Alfie, you have Ali, Jerome you're with me" The two boys had no choice in the matter and decided arguing with Patricia and Ali wasn't an option either.

"Ali" Mr Lyon called, the whole class turned and looked at him. He never called her Ali, "Alicty," He corrected himself. "Can you hand out Those Shakespeare books on the table infront of you"

Ali glared acrossed the drama room at her ex-boyfriend before lifting the books from the table and handing them out.

Eddie couldn't even focus as Mara read her lines from the book he was more focused on what Alicity had just done to him. Public humilation. Well not excatly public but class humilation. He knew he didn't have much of a chance after him and Patricia but he thought mabe for a class exercise. But of course no! Alicity was to much of a bitch to believe any of what he had to say after what her supposing done to Patricia. Which he didn't do at all. He could never cheet on her, not even with KT. Eddie had spent ages convincing himself he like Ali when deep down he knew the best friend of hers was still who he belonged to.

Mick wasn't doing as bad as Eddie was doing though. He had really stared making some moves with Amber. After Steven convinced him she was over Alfie he was sure to grab her quick. But now he was beginning to worry. Willow had gone! Alfie and her broke up. Alfie could get back with Amber! But his worrying died down as he paired up with Amber. Amber still held her magazines in her hand as she was given her book. "I perfer Victoria Beckham" She told Ali as she handed her a book. "I'm sorry Amber, it was Ali's orders." Alcity walked away as Amber sat down on the sofa. handing Mick her book.

"I don't want it" she said.

"You're not going to do work for the 'Hot Teacher' you were so obsessed about?" he asked quoting her hot teacher.

"i've seen hotter" Amber said opeing her magazine.

"Come on Ambs, we need to do some wor or we will fail this class and I really can't afford to fail another class" He looked down at her as she sat smiling at her magizine.

Amber grinned at the nickname that had made an apperenced again, and that deifnetly presuaded her to move.

As she stood up he chucked her book to her which she of course missed.

"Mick, you could of broke my nails" she moaned as she bent down to get it but Mick pushed her over.

"You did break a nail" She yelled chucking half an false nail at him.

Mick couldn't help but laugh at her girlish ways as he went to help her up. But that ended with him being on the floor to and a huge tickle fight.

"This is a classroom not a playground!" Mr Lyon yelled at the two. "Outside now!"

They both trecked outside the classroom, Amber being sure to pick up her magizine on the way.

As soon as the door closed both burst into giggles. "I missed the fun we had before" Mick sighed sliding down the wall beside Amber.

"So did I" She smiled at him. "But you owe me about 4 false nails"

"I'm sorry" He gigged as her girlishness still still appeared in her words.

The two sat in silence for a couple of minutes, before Mick spoke, "Amber, will you go out with me?"

Amber looked surprised at his words, but didn't hesitate to answer, "Yes Mick, of course i will" 

The two moved closed together as their lips were just inches apart but the bell above them when and they jumped apart.

"I'll see you later" Amber said catching up With Patricia and the other well not Ali but she suspected she would be talking to Mr Lyon.

Mick walked away, a large smile on his face. She was his again!

Alicity sat on one of the chairs in the Drama room looking up at Mr Lyon.

"What was that about Nicky?" She asked bluntly.

"Ali i don't know. I just called you Ali, i'm sorry" Nicky smiled like it was nothing.

"Nicky!" Alicty screeched at the top of her voice, "Every noticed! Everyone knows you know me"

"Ali, i'm sorry okay?" He stated looking down at the almost 18 year old.

"okay!" She smiled slightly.

The two sat in an award silence for about two minutes but they soon did what they couldn't resist. They kissed Again!


So i didn't think i would be writing another chapter anytime soon but hey look i did! So i hope you enjoy and don't forget to Vote, Comment and tell your friends to come read! 

Much Love

Tasha xxx

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