Upset girls

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Nina's POV

After saying goodbye to Kt, i went up to check on Amber. I was about to open the door but i could hear her talking about her alfie problems, who to though?

i couldn't hear anyone talking back to her then i heard he day "FaceTime me, i've not not good signal" 

I still couldn't guess, who wasn't in the house that she would tell about her problems, who was she that close too. 

"Mick!!!!"She yelled and laughed at the same time, "You shouldn't say that."

Then it clicked i realised how close she still was to Mick. i'd heard them talk before, honestly i think Alfie's better with Willow and Amber's better with Mick, but it wasn't my say to be honest. 

i decided to let her talk to him, maybe he'd solve her problems. Instead i decided to go talk to Fabian.

Amber's POV

i could hear the screams and laughter from downstairs. I wish i could go down and be Amber Millington again but Amber millington was completely heart broken. Nothing could fix this. He moved on, he promised we'd be forever but he lied. How could he break a pinky promise. I knew Fabian and Nina would get back together and Patricia and Eddie who i presumed broke up after the argument earlier but me and Alfie weren't like that, we weren't going to be together forever. 

I heard the familiar ring of my iPhone, I didn't want to talk to anyone, know one could understand this. I picked up the glitter covered phone and looked at the caller id. Mick. wouldn't it be the middle of the night for him? i made an exception for the blonde who was like my brother and answered the phone. 

"I heard Miss millington's heart broken" He sighed before she could even say hi. 

"Hello to you too" She giggled sarcastically. "But no i am" 

"Aww Ambs, Alfie trouble?" He sighed again and continued eating in her ear. 

"That son of a bitch moved on." I yelled, 

"Oh, who's he with?" he asked. 

"Do you remember that loopy Willow from Isis house that moved here. Well that lunatic" Amber fought back the tears. "Go on facetime i can't here you well" 

The call ended and a facetime call popped up on her phone. 

she saw Mick's scruffy hair and the pizza he was eating. 

"I will beet the shit out of him!!! he went with that weird Willow girl over you." 

"Mick" i half yelled half laughed at him, "You shouldn't say that" 

'Well when i see him next, i will!! you are so much prettier and nicer than her" He said and i knew he wasn't lying about the beat the sit out of him because i know Mick and i know he seriously would.

We talked for a little while longer, i was curious to know where he was, it looked like a train station or Airport or somewhere like that.

Nina's POV

After seeing the state Amber was in over Alfie, i realised i needed to get back on my feet. Fabian was with Mara and that was fine. I had to except the fact he moved on. 

While me and fabian weren't dating we still were best friends and now could be no different so the right thing to do was talk to Fabian.

I walked downstairs to and down the corridor the the first room on my right. I knocked and Fabian answered, "Can we talk?" i asked. 

He looked at me willingly and stepped back and let me in.

"I'm sorry Nina" I wasn't expecting him to apologise, cause honestly i didn't know what for, he didn't do anything wrong. 

"Fabian, you have every right to be with Mara. I left you with nothing but a letter. I should be apologising." i Told him. 

"Nina, why did you go?" he asked as he motioned for us to sit down on his bed. 

"My gran was diagnosed with Cancer and i wanted to be there when she went through her chemotherapy." I Explained. 

"i'm sorry about you're gran, did she beat it?" he asked in the politest ay possible. 

I nodded, "she's a tough cookie"

"Nina, can we be friends again?" Fabian asked after a minute of silence. 

"i'd like that" i smiled. 

Friends, it was better than nothing.

Patricia's POV

I was so Mad at Eddie!! He saw KT In the summer and didn't even tell me! What a git! I'm so glad she's  gone! 

I wanted to know the full story and of he did like her, oh wait i knew the second part. He liked her, A LOT! The only was i was getting the truth was from Eddie himself. 

I stormed downstairs after i realised what i had to do! I was going to have to talk to him. 

I barged into his room only to see Nina and fabian, when where they talking again? "where's Eddie?" i asked and yelled at the same time. 

"Living room" Fabian replied shyly, knowing one thing he said wrong could get him in bother with the mood i was in.

I raced into the living room and saw him watching TV.

'Right then Eddison, I want the truth"  I yelled sitting across from him.

"About?" he looked at me as if i were crazy.

"Don't acted all innocent Eddie, what's the gossip with KT. Slept with her yet?" i snapped. 

"Yacker, nothing happened. we're good friends. I visited her in the summer, i met her family. I was there for two days" He admitted.

''And i don't know this why?" i Asked. 

"Because i knew this would happen. Don't you trust me?"He yelled. 

"Eddie, i don't trust you. That's the point. You're a total Fuckboy." I yelled back at him. 

"You know what Yacker, we're over" He yelled as he walked out the room

"We were already over" I shouted. 

It was then i realised what i had done, Me and Him were over!!


Finally a longish chapter! So Amber was talking to Mick about Alfie, Fabian and Nina made up and Patricia called Eddie a fuckboy and they're over!!

we'll see a familiar face next chapter and I think you all know who!!

Till next time, 

Tasha xxx

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