Chapter 27 I Gotta Go My Own Way (Nessie's P.O.V.)

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Presley cuts me off while singing.

"What 'bout Logan and you?
What about everything we've been through?"

I sing then.

"What about trust?"

Pres sing again.

"You know he never wanted to hurt you"

I sing again.

"And what about me?
What am I supposed to do?
I gotta leave"

Pres cuts me off, singing again.

"but I'll miss you"

I sing again.

"(I'll miss you)

So, I've got to move on and be who I am"

Pres sings then.

"(Why do you have to go?)"

I sing again.

"I just don't belong here, I hope you understand"

Pres sings again.

"(I'm trying to understand)"

I continue singing, Presley cutting me off three times.

"We might find a place in this world someday
But at least for now
(I want you to stay)
I wanna go my own way

I've got to move on and be who I am
(What about us?)
I just don't belong here, I hope you understand
(I'm trying to understand)

We might find our place in this world someday
But at least for now, I gotta go my own way
I gotta go my own way
I gotta go my own way"

Pam, Pres and Jeff look at me, very sad.

"Nessie, think twice before you leave him once and for all, please," Pam says, looking in my eyes.

"Okay, I'll think twice, I promise," I say, taking my suitcase and leaving the house with James and his older brother.

Philip drives us to the airport. As we arrive there, he breaks the awkward silence.

"Have a safe flight, you two," he tells us. "I'm glad I got to meet you, Nessie, what a pity we met in such unpleasant circumstances for you."

"It's okay with me," I reply.

"Thanks, big bro," James tells Philip. "Have a good time with Fox."

"I will," he says, smiling weakly.

Although our flight is delayed, everything goes quite smoothly. James and I arrive in Poland safe and sound.

"It's 8 AM, can we stop somewhere for breakfast?" James asks me as we arrive at the train station to get to our destination.

"Yeah, sure," I reply, still sleepy. "Starbucks' open, let's get some coffee."

"You are so much like Logan," James tells me.

Tears fill my eyes once again.

"Whoops, I'm sorry,"  he says, blushing. "Shhh, Nessie, please, don't cry, sister," he hugs me.

"Oh, it's fine," I tell him, wiping the tears away pretty quickly. "Let's have breakfast."

We go to Starbucks and have breakfast together, talking about Dinah's parents. James is quite nervous, he's gonna meet them for the first time.

"I'll check my phone, my mom probably phoned me like twenty times," I say, taking out my phone.

I have 26 missed calls, wow.


Out of those 26 missed calls, only 6 are from my mom.

The remaining 20 are from Logan.

Plus, I've a message on Skype, most probably from Logan as well.

"Nessie, you okay?" James asks, concerned.

"Oh, it's just I got 20 calls from Logan, and a message on Skype, too," I reply casually.

"Did you read it?" he asks.

"Nah, and I don't want to," I tell him. "Gotta phone my mom right now."

I do so. As I finish the convo, James stares at his phone, seemingly surprised.

"You okay, James?" I ask him.

"Huh? Ah, yes," he tells me. "I got 20 calls from you know who, too."

Silence, awkward silence.

"I'll phone him," he finally speaks. "I think he should be sober..."

"Hey, you're sober... Good to know... Oh, I didn't take it seriously, you were drunk... I know, right? Yeah, we're cool... No, Nessie just went to buy us train tickets, she can't talk to you now... Okay, I will. Take care, bye," he finishes the convo pretty quickly.

"He asked about me?" I question.

"Yep..." James says. "Listen, I see you don't wanna talk to him... But please, check out that message."

"Okay," I sigh.

I open Skype.

"It's a video," I say, surprised.

"Watch it, then," James encourages him.

So I watch.

In the video, Logan apologises for what he said last night and he asks me to forgive him...

Then he sings 'Mandy', changing the name to Nessie...

Tears fall from my eyes again.

I feel a warm hand on my left shoulder.

"You still love him,"James whispers. "Why don't you give him one more chance, then?"

I wipe away my tears again.

"Let's go buy us train tickets," I tell him.

I gotta clear my mind off right now...

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