Chapter 15:

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Sara has the most confused look on her face. She calls out to Terrance and Oren.

"What is it?" Terrance has a shot gun in his hand, like Sara never called him except in times of absolute peril.

"Well I'll be damned," Oren whispers. "Connor, Greg; time to start reinforcing the shacks." he calls back into the restaurant.

"What's going on?" Ma comes outside, her eyes sparked with innocence and concern.

"The Raiders are comin', Mama." Terrance slings his shotgun on a strap over his shoulder and pulls what looks like a Dominion-issued lock out of his pocket.

"Raiders?" I ask aloud.

"War Raiders. Since they got the dogs, we know it's Dominion. They come pillage settlements for supplies," Ma says, her tone rough with disgust. "I'd say we have fifteen minutes before they get here. You mind helpin' me out, Evaline?"

"Of course," I move up the steps of the restaurant, almost running into Connor and Gregory as they rush out with tool boxes. Ma takes my hand and leads me into where the kids are sitting.

"What's goin' on, Mama?" Erin asks.

"Raiders. Randy, start storin' everything up. Jackson, Travis, why don't you go help Oren with the station."

"What do you need us to do?" Erin's voice takes on a seriousness I hadn't known she was capable of possessing. Ma rubs her temples, looking like she'd aged ten years in two minutes.

"Charlie, you can go with Sara to check the fences. Annabelle, you take Hope and Fierce to cabin and stay put. You boys-" she motions to Eryl, Quentin and Eros. "-go over to Oren's. He'll set you up and you can go with Terrance to see how bad we're being hit. Erin, you go help Randy close everything up. You, girl," Ma places a hand on my arm. "Help me get the babies." I nod, and all at once everyone separates to follow Ma's orders. I move over to where Henry and Cella are. They look positively terrified. Ma's already scooped up Astrid, telling her how they have nothing to worry about, that it's only time for bed and everyone wants to make sure she's safe before she falls asleep.

"Hey," I say gently. Henry's face hardens, but Cella still looks like she's about to cry.

"I heard her say Raiders," Henry says. "We aren't stupid." I sigh.

"I know you aren't stupid, so I'll be honest with you; there are Raiders out there. They're on there way here,"

"With the dogs?" Cella whimpers. I nod.

"Yes, with their dogs. But they won't even get the chance to look at you," I say with as much conviction as I can muster. "Every single person in this town is working to make sure we all stay safe. And I can tell you, they're really good at protecting people they care about. So you have to come with me, so they can keep you safe."

"Can you promise?" Cella asks, her voice quivering. I chew on my lower lip, and then nod without the littlest bit of logical thought.

"I promise, nothing will hurt you as long as you're here." Cella nods, and slips down from the booth. Henry immediately follows, grabbing his little sister's hand. I take Cella's other hand and lead them out of the restaurant. I see Ma standing by the open door of one of the shacks, and she motions me forward. I let the kids move up the narrow ramp first, and Ma rushes them inside. It's Annabelle's home; I can tell instantly from all the gorgeous artifacts she has along her shelves and hanging from her ceiling. Annabelle sits and rocks Hope in a tattered white bassinet. Astrid is sitting on a cot against the wall, wrapped in a thick blanket and curled around Fierce, who purrs loudly at all the attention he's receiving from the young girl. Ma gets one of Charlie's coats for Henry and a robe out of Annabelle's wardrobe for Cella. I notice that, in the little pocket of Cella's grimy dress, she's crammed a stuff bear. He looks like most of his stuffing had come out years ago, but now that she's scared Cella clings to him like he's a shield. Ma sets them on the cot with little Astrid, who's curled up so tight that all three children easily fit. Ma fluffs a thin pillow behind Henry and Cella and then makes sure they're wrapped tight in their borrowed clothes.

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