Chapter 4:

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I've never worked with the turner Vladimir before, but I've heard of him.

It's rumored that he's a hybrid, an incredibly rare form of Extra that has access to more than one power. Some have said he's a psychic, but he doesn't look like any of the psychics I've seen. Each Extra has a set of traits passed down from the very first of their kind, and Vladimir doesn't share any of the psychic traits I've seen in the others, like Gregori and Laticia.

"You must be Evaline." he says, his voice deep and surprisingly rich. I blink, staring dumbly.

"Oh. Yeah, I'm Evaline. Are you-?"

"Vladimir Thames." he holds out his hand. I reach for it, and suddenly, my breath is ripped from my lungs.

"Drop to the ground as soon as you see the Pulse coming at you. Do not go near him. Look for the scrap of orange fabric." I stare into Vladimir's dark, dark eyes, as his voice echoes through my mind. He pulls his hand away, and everything is normal again. I have an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach, like I might throw up. A necromancer comes over to give me a quick check-up and clear me for the turn. It takes a whole three minutes of convincing before she agrees that my slower response time was because of lack of sleep, and I could catch up on it after I reviewed the file. She finally signs my release paper and leaves, and I stand in the center of the turning pad. I open my mission file for the first time, having completely ignored Ai's direction to brief myself on the way to get my things from Net's. Who I still haven't heard from.

Year: xxxx

Month: xx

Date: xx

Assignment code: xxxx-xxxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx

I frown deeply.

"Why is everything encrypted?" I look up at Vladimir, as if he might have the answers. He simply shakes his head.

"Seriously. Where the hell are they sending me?" my voice breaks. Vladimir doesn't answer.

Drop to the ground as soon as you see the Pulse coming at you.

The scene around me is shifting constantly. Normally, I am thrust out of the front doors of the Society, through the streets of Ward One, and into wherever my assignment took place. Then, I watch as the years are peeled away, and time is turned backwards. This time, things are much different. I watch Vladimir straighten out my body on the ground of the turning pad. I watch more and more agents fill the room, and for the first time, I see every single turning pad in use. I see security agents secure turners in hand cuffs and lead them away.

And then I am thrust out of the Society and slowly dragged through the streets of Freight. Only, it doesn't look like Freight. The buildings are tall and white, with Plexiglas windows, like in the Dominion. The streets are paved and clean. The dirt that used to be Freight's sky tears itself away.

But I am not dragged out of Ward One. Instead, the world around me moves at an incredible pace, not back to before the Dominion's take over, but through it. The buildings grow taller and more plentiful, the people age and the Vilitain-Mayberry is demolished. Things become blurry, and before I even know what's happening, I can see the Pulse coming towards me.

Drop to the ground as soon as you see the Pulse coming at you.

I drop to my stomach and fold my arms over my head. Not an instant after that, the Pulse hits me, and the silence is interrupted by loud bangs.
Gun shots.

I dare a peek at the world around me, just barley lifting my head.
Soldiers. Some dressed in the high-tech white suits of the Dominion, others dressed in the camouflaged cloth of the illegal societies, all coming at me from all different directions. A massive boom causes me to scream, and rumbles the earth more than any Pulse could.

The Time Turner Society { Undergoing Edits! }Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant