Chapter 13:

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I stare down at the pictures of the people I had lost. I can't believe what she's telling me.

Well, actually, I can believe it. I do believe it.

How could I not? The evidence is pretty damning. Now, looking down at my family, I can see Evaline's light brown eyes - almost a hazel - and the auburn, almost-red hair she gets from Dad. What throws me off the most is that I didn't realize it sooner.

"Evaline," I shake my head, letting the book close. What can I say? Is there anything to say? I think of the two wooden stones I have in my pack. Both have the name Evaline on it. I still don't remember ever meeting Evaline before, but... maybe my parents had told me? Before they left, had my mother been pregnant?

I look up into Evaline's eyes. She looks like she's about to cry.

And just like that, it all comes back to me.

"Please, Eryl." my mother looked up at me, her eyes wet with the tears she was too strong to shed here. "I can't just leave you out here!"

"There are people that need me," I pleaded with her. "I won't die out here, Mom. When I go, it won't be out here. We both know that,"

"If you won't come for me, come for Olivia." she smiled hopefully. I wrinkled my nose.

"Olivia? Really, Mom?"

"Eryl!" she snapped. "This hardly a time to be-"

"Mom, Mom." I grabbed her hands tightly in mine. Dad placed his hand on her shoulder, his warning that she needed to calm down.

"Name her Evaline. And when I come home, I'll meet her."

"Mom wanted to name you Olivia," I say.

"After her sister." Evaline finishes.

"That's why I have your name carved twice. I told her to name you Evaline," I look back down at the book in my hands, then pass it over to her. Evaline laughs. It's a strangled sound, like she's not used to making it.

"Thank you for that. Olivia is terrible," she takes the book from me and closes her bag back up. I don't know what to say, now. Evaline being my little sister explains everything. It explains why I'd felt like I knew her, why her face was familiar but not at the same time, and why I had her on two stones.

"Hey!" Quentin's voice brings us both back to the present, I think. "It's great y'all have found each other again, really, but can we have this family reunion on the plane? We don't have time," I look back to Evaline, who nods and moves her hand across her face like she's just itching at it.

"You know what this means, right?"

"That you're my brother?" Evaline looks at me oddly, but her eyes show the emotion that - according to Quentin - we don't have the time to show.

"That Blayke better watch his back," I correct her. She laughs, and this time I think it's for real. After a while of walking, the somber mood settles back in.

"Why do you think Mom and Dad never told me about you? Why didn't I ever meet you? Actually - why were you still out here if they had turned back to 2075?" Evaline asks. I let out a breath, and it pushes my too-long hair off of my forehead.

"Those are a lot of questions I don't have - or don't remember - the answers for. Give me a little while, I'll think about it." I promise her. She nods, and as I look over at her I notice she has a little stuffed dog clutched in her hands.

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