Chapter 22- My undoing

Start from the beginning

Oliver doesn't take his eyes off of me and he confidently says, "it's not your fault. You shouldn't feel sorry for something that you had no control over."

"Its just embarrassing. Like whenever I have sex, I want to be able to enjoy the moment. Or think about more sex with the person. I hate having to think of him." I say him like the world would've ended if I said it normally; disgusted and fearful. I continue, "I want a normal life. I want a life where I'm not peeking around every corner before I turn it. I want to just walk right around the corner without any hesitation. I want to be free." I finish.

"Oh, Felicity," I hear Oliver mummer to himself. His head falls into his hands for a brief moment and then he looks back up at me.

He grabs my hand shakily, and squeezes it reassuringly. I look down at his hand and fix my other hand to cover his. The small creases on the top of my hand are deepened from the shadows of the night. The flat parts are illuminated by the moonlight.

I scan the beautiful disco dancing garden. I can feel tension between me and Oliver so I look over at him. He's scanning me like I was just scanning the nature. I caught him admiring the way that my lips bounce off of each other when I fiddle with my tongue and the way my eyelashes touch each other when I blink.

He leans in to me, and I lean in too. Our foreheads touch and I close my eyes. I can feel his breath grazing my bottom lip and the way that our bodies share the same oxygen.

He leans in closer and his velvet soft lips tangle with mine. I leave a small gap between my lips and he glides his tongue through it.

It literally feels like he's carving out my soul and reading it, only to place it back almost the same as it was before, but this time, brighter.

Every breath he takes, every move he makes gives me reason to be here. He gives me reason to live.

We embrace each other passionately.

"Are you up for an adventure," Oliver asks after he pulls away, like he wanted to say it the second that the thought emerged into his brain; before he forgot.

I stand up, and Oliver stands up with me.

He leads me down the driveway and we walk together toward the city.

We turn into a McDonalds and I look at Oliver, questioning his intentions.

"Remember that date we never went on? Well, we can substitute it with McDonalds for now. When we get a chance, I will take you on a real date." Oliver laughs after he says this, and he walks slightly ahead of me dominantly.

"Surprise me," I say as I go over to a booth right at the front of the store. I enjoy people watching, and theres something about the sight of cars driving through the piercing black night that I admire.

I notice a dark car parked near the side of the road. The light is on inside, and there are two men laughing and talking inside.

I hear clutter beside me and Oliver brings a tray of food toward me. "Big mac combo times two," He says happily.

"Thanks," I say and laugh with him.

"So how does this vigilante thing work," I tease playfully.

"Still working on it," Oliver's smile brightens and when I look into his baby blue eyes, all I want to do is hug him and be with him for as long as I can even dream.

"What's Emma's favourite toy or animal or something. I would like to get her something. Something that she will remember me by," Oliver asks.

I pause to think. I really don't spend much time with her, at all. I take a bite of my burger to give me time to think. God do I love big macs. The way that the sauce compliments the toppings and the patty and the buns and everything, they all blend perfectly.

"She loves my little ponies," I say, remembering. Although she liked the older ones better; the newer ones are bony and lanky. "But don't get her rainbow dash or pinky pie, she already has them," I say seriously and take another bite of my burger.

I look back at Oliver, who is staring at me oddly.

I morph my face to say what so that I don't have to talk with a mouth full of burger.

"Nothing, I'm just wondering if Emma is a touchy subject?"

I stop chewing and quickly swallow my burger. I look out the window to buy me some time, when I notice something strange. The car that was parked outside on the side of the road is still there, and the two men inside are looking at me.

Panic strings through my body like a spiderweb and my neck is tense when I look slowly back toward Oliver.

I try my best to ignore it. I don't wanna ruin our night. "No, it's not a touchy subject. Honestly, I love her more than anything, but I cant stand the fact that she is also Donny's. But that wouldn't make me love her any less," I say carefully. I fix my glasses and glance back over toward the car. The men are still looking at me, and I notice one of the men scramble to drop binoculars and then suspiciously look toward the other man and start talking.

"Felicity?" Oliver touches my arm and I realize I'm making a startling face. I soften my face before looking to him.

"mhm," I say.

He doesn't say anything else. Instead, he leans over the table and looks out of the window I was just looking out of.

He scans the scenery and stops at the car and the men who keep glancing over at us. Oliver sits back down, turns his gaze to me and says, "Why didn't you say anything?"

"I didn't wanna ruin the night," I say. "And I cant even tell who it is. For all we know they could just be harmless tourists or something," I continued.

"Felicity," Oliver says like he's trying to knock some sense into me.

"Ok then why don't we finish up and then leave. We will walk near them but not right past them," I suggest.

"Well we would have to anyway when we leave so why not," Oliver agrees.

When we are finished, I grab onto his hand tightly and walk out with him. As we near the vehicle, Oliver pulls me closer to him. I look directly inside and I know why.

Noah and Donny sit side by side in that exact car that was watching us. My father looks up and catches me looking at him. I turn my head but in the corner of my eye I see him waving at me to come to him. When I don't, I hear the car door open.

Ahhh. I was having trouble coming up with a good title :(

Does anyone wanna comment on my strengths and weaknesses as a writer? If you have any suggestions please comment I would love to better my writing.

And what are your favourite and least favourite parts of this chapter?


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