Look for the scrap of orange fabric.

I scan the dusty earth, the ruins of the Dominion, looking for a way out of the battlefield. Bullets hit the ground just to the right of my head and I scream, holding my arms over my head again. I'm shaking.

Where, the hell, has the Society sent me?

"Agent, agent!" someone in the distance calls. More gun fire, more booms that shake the earth.

"Who is it!?"

"I think it's Evaline!"

"Evaline!" I dare another peek up at the war zone. Two female agents, Dawn and Henrietta, run towards me.

Each of them have a small scrap of orange fabric pinned to their fitted soldiers' uniforms. They help me up and we all stay low to the ground as we rush towards a particular set of ruins.

"What is this place!?" I yell over the noise. "What's going on!?" neither Dawn or Henrietta answer me.

They take me over a ruined library, shifting a rather large piece of Dominion-issued white plastic out of the way and motioning me down the hole. I look at each of them, weary of just about everything. Just as I finally decide to drop down the hole in the library rubble, I see him.

His hair is cropped short, his eyes are dim with exhaustion, but it is still him.

Do not go near him.

"Evaline, go!"

"Blayke," I rise slowly to my feet.


"Blayke!" I run. Don't think, just run. I slide down the base of rubble and run across the dirt, towards Blayke.

He's here. He's alive.

Just as I near him, another massive boom shakes the ground, and a tower of something that used to be a building topples to the ground.

~ ~ ~ ~

I wake up to the hushed clicking and whirring of machinery.

"Why was she even out there? Why didn't you pick her up at the drop zone?"

"We did," Dawn snaps, sounding like she's poised to kill.

"Oh, so you let her get away then!" I recognize the second voice, the male voice, as Net. I almost can't be sure, he sounds so damn hysterical.

"She's fine, guys; look." I open my eyes, and almost immediately scamper back against the wall. Dead, wounded, bloody soldiers lay on stretchers, on the ground, everywhere. I clutch the necklace charm at my chest, noticing how cold it is, how cold I am. I shudder. Net sits in front of me, his curly, dirty blonde hair longer than I remember it being the other day. He wears a camouflage soldiers' uniform now. I meet his eyes, and a rush of memories floods back to me.

"Blayke," I say softly. Net frowns.


"Net, I saw him!" I practically yell. He holds a finger to his lips.

"Evaline, Blayke went missing a month and a half ago. We're assuming he's dead," Nethanyel's voice is quiet.

"Well he's not! I saw him, Net. It was him, I know it was!" I insist. Net sighs, motioning for Dawn and Henrietta to leave. Once they're gone, he turns toward me again.

"We have about thirty-five minutes before they bring in the next load of soldiers and we have to leave. You have about thirty-five minutes to get your answers,"

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