Park Chanyeol and his corrupted brain

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"Change?" He cocked his head. "Here? Well, okay." He shrugged, slipping his thumb onto the side of his towel and- wait. What is he doing?

"Y-yah!" I speedily stood up from the bed, groping on the pillow in attempt to throw it directly to his stupid face. 

Unfortunately, I lost balance. 

Being the stupid face that he is, Chanyeol seized my arm, only to have himself pulled in as well. 

Still hovering above me, he chuckled. "I was just kidding."

"Well, it's not funny."

"My Baek is so cute!"

"Get off me you twerp." He chuckled, standing back up to his feet. "And who said I belonged to you?"

"But you do." He points out. 

"No I don't. I don't remember you asking me to be yours nor do I remember myself saying yes."

He pouts, pointing a finger at me accusingly. "B-but you kissed me!"

"So? In this generation, a kiss means almost nothing."


"Yes, reall-" 

So he really got this habit of rudely cutting my sentences with his lips. 

Not that I'm complaining.

Taking the initiative, I reeled his body closer, my two arms around his neck. 

And feeling his smile onto the kiss, I felt like going insane. 

Park Chanyeol, what have you done to me?

"I love you, Baek."

"I hate you."

He only chucked, closing in for another kiss. 

It was cute. 

Until I felt a hand slipping under the hem of my yellow hooded shirt.

"Y-yah!" I sat back up, head butting his forehead purposely.

"Ow!" He pouts, rubbing his now injured mark. "What was that for?"

"What are those hands doing under my shirt?"

He shrugs, staring back at me aloofly. "In the process of taking your clothes off." 

"M-my clothes?!" This fucktard.

"It was on my way. And it wasn't needed."


"You said a kiss means nothing, so I thought maybe kicking it up a notch?"

Oh my god. "Idiot!" I yelled, standing back up to my feet and speedily charging my way through the door frame and down the stairs. 

"Where are you going?!" He yelled from upstairs, head peeking from his room. "Yah, Byun Baekhyun!"


"Eh?! How bout' our date!"

"Go on a date with yourself, stupid!"

> Noooooooo! Don't leaaaveee meee! /sobs/ <

10 Stupid Reasons To Why I Hate Park ChanyeolDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora