Don't Bother Me

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I drove to the Lennon's house quickly, and arrived shortly after I had dropped Jane off.

"Ello' John. How was Annie?" I smiled widely and took my jacket off. John led me into the kitchen and we sat at the table. He seemed concerned.

"Well, she was quiet. That's fer' sure. Thinks ye' don't love er' anymore." He turned around and put the tea kettle on the stove top, mumbling quickly over the whole sentence after 'Quiet for sure.' I nearly fell out of my chair.

"Why on Earth does she think that?!" I stood, hurriedly and stared at John, anticipating his reply.

"Ye' just ran off with yer' new birdy without even consulting yer' daughter!" My mouth must have dropped when I processed the words coming out of my best mates mouth. I hated when he acted like this. Like he was superior to everyone and everything just because he knew how she felt from his own childhood experience.

"What d'ya mean, 'Ran off with'? I Went on a fucking date! I don't think she has a problem with that, John!" I shook my head and turned around to head upstairs and get Annabelle.

He spoke up, just before I left. "Okay then, when she won't speak to ye', don't come blaming me. I just told ya why!" He walked back into his living room and sat on the sofa while I ran up the staircase, towards Julian's room. When I got there I gently grabbed Annie into my arms and shook her. She opened her eyes and spoke, sleepily.

"Hm? Daddy?" Her eyes darted around the room until she realized where she was. When she did she pushed out of my grasp and ran down the stairs. I sighed and followed her. When I got to the bottom floor of John's house, she was sitting in his lap.

"Come on, Annie. We've gotta go home." I grinned at her and all I got in return was a pout and crossed arms.

" I don't wanna' go home. You could just give Jane my room. You love her better, anyways!" She whined and buried her face into John's chest.

"No I don't. Why would you say such a horrible thing Annabelle? She's just my friend!" I stood in front of John, and with very little trouble, he sat her on the ground by my feet. Picking her up, she pouted. No matter what i did, Annie wouldn't look me in the eye.

"See ye' later John." He got off the couch and came over to me, hugging Annie and waving.

"Night Anne. Talk to ye' later, mate. I've written more songs for that album we were discussing yesterday. Maybe we could work on it tomorrow, Hm?" I nodded and headed towards the door. My plans with John reminded me of the song I was writing for Annie. I hadn't gotten very much done with it. I suppose it's garbage..

"Okay. Sounds great. Bye." I contemplated setting Annie on the ground, but before I had a chance to, I glanced down and she was asleep. I got her into the car seat and drove home.

-A week Later-

I finally got Annabelle to speak to me again a few days ago. It was difficult taking care of the six year old with only nods in response. I had spoken to Jane earlier today and she had wanted all of us; Jane, Annie, Joey, and myself, to go out to dinner. She's only met Annie once and she said she'd love to get to know her. I was hesitant to answer, but I figured it couldn't end too bad. I'll just have to respond to nods for the next few years.

"Annie?" I softly knocked on her bedroom door, that was covered with stickers and glitter glue. I wasn't aware of the glitter glue being put on at the time that she did it. I chuckled to myself at the sign that hung on the door. 'Annie's room! No One alowd bot: Annie and Dady. (Pol)' I've been attempting to get my six year old to write her letters correctly, but it's no use. She trys hard though. That's all I care about.

I hear rustling around in the room and she calls through the door.

"One minute!" When she opens the door she has one of her princess dresses on and the record Player is blaring. 'Please Please Me'. She has her hands behind her back. I can tell her smile is fake, and I cock an eyebrow.

"Are ye' alright, love? What's behind yer' back?" I inch closer to Annabelle and she begins to panic, backing up.

"Yep! I'm just divine! Right as rain!" I pick her up quickly and grab what'd in her hands, grinning.

"Annie! How did you possibly do this? It's not a toy ya kn-.." I stop midsentence and sigh. She didn't mean any harm.

"A performer, eh'?" Grinning, I give my broken microphone back to her and put her on the ground. "Let's hear ye' then!" Her face lights up and she sits on the ground next to the record Player. I take a seat on The small bed. Annie moves the needle to her favorite song on the whole album, Twist And Shout. I watch her as she jumps around, singing loudly.

After Annie sang the Whole album for me, Twice, she fell asleep. I woke her up several hours later.

"Annie, love? Can ye' get dressed? We're gunna' go out to dinner." She smiled once she woke up a little, and walked over to her closet.

"Not. The. Fluffy. One. Annabelle." As if on que, she turned around, jutting her bottom lip out.

"But! It's my favooooorite!" It feels like deja vu every time I tell her she can't wear it. Being that this happens atleast twice a week.

"I know, but we're going somewhere fancy. What about.." I sighed and walked over to Annabelle's closet, shuffling through the dresses that hung. I finally found the one I thought she would settle on. The puffy blue dress. At least the color wasn't so bright, like the other one. She pouted  and took up the offer.

"Alright. But ya' gotta' get me icecream!" Giggling, Annie got changed into her dress and I carried her out of the room. As soon as I got ready, we left to pick Jane up. I never did tell her that we were going out with Jane..

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