The 50

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A/N Each chapter is going to have a list of those still alive, and those that aren't will be displayed in the picture above^^

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A/N Each chapter is going to have a list of those still alive, and those that aren't will be displayed in the picture above^^. Obviously i didn't do all 217 people, i'm just starting with the 50. Enjoy!


"Dru, Dru I think you need to come over here." Abby, a young girl whose infection I'd spent most the morning treating, pulled at my elbow. Her young eyes shone above the green tone of her skin- her face was hollowed out and I knew that the infection wasn't the only thing wrong with her. She was fighting a bug, a bug that made me keep her alone in the corner with just her mother. I was scared about what a bug could do to a group of people with no proper protection from it. "Dru, Darcy is asleep, she just stopped talking and fell asleep." I chuckled at the thought; Darcy hadn't slept all night because she didn't want to leave my side while I stay guard of everyone.

"Please Dru can you please go see her?" The pleading in her voice was that of a five year olds, telling me she wasn't giving up until I did what she wanted. Penelope nodded at me, Abby's mother was holding back the same bug and although I was treating her wounds I was happy to be done with her, I didn't want to catch the bug.

"Where is she Abs? Around the fire area?" She nodded, sitting down onto her mothers lap. I didn't rush over; I contemplated not going over at all but I could feel the girl eyes burning into my back.

"Hey sleepy head, I told you not to stay up and wait for me last night." I plopped myself down next to her on the sand, I wrapped my arms around where her head was lifting it from the pile of clothes that was her pillow. "Darc, time to get up- lunch time. I know you haven't eaten since we got here." I shook her slightly, her head in my lap showed no signs of stirring. "Come on man, get up." Panic arose within me as I felt something wet on my thighs, lifting her head up I found my jeans covered in blood- her blood.

Not caring about how rough I was my fingers ran threw her rain, trying to find where it was coming from. The back of her head, just above her spine was a shade of red, stain with dry blood and running with fresh blood. How had I not noticed? How had she not said anything? "Darcy wake up, now!!" I was screaming at this point, bringing a crowd over with my desperation.

"Darcy I know you're tired, just please open your eyes." A tear dropped onto her face, only then did I realise my face was drenched with them. "Don't you dare die on me like this."

Pulling her shirt off I found the wound I had dressed last night with a cheap sewing kit. The bandage showed no sign of bleeding, and that cut on the back of her head wasn't enough to kill her she must be losing blood some where else. I noticed a patch on her pants wrapped up with a large t-shirt, the t-shirt was red but seemed to have uneven colouration. Not wasting time I grabbed the knife in my back pocket and sliced open her jeans only to find a wound travelling down half of her thigh. It was to the bone, pieces of metal still wedged inside with puss evident within. How had I missed this? I looked through the pile of clothes she'd been resting on to find that item after item was stained with blood, she'd been trying to fix this her self. And she'd definitely lost more than enough blood.

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