The 217

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I couldn't hear a thing, the ringing in my ear blocking out that sense all together. But god I could see and smell everything around me, but I didn't want to. I wanted those senses to fail me too because the sight before me – there were no words.

I was frozen, my limbs refusing to listen to my demands to get up and do something. Anything. But they wouldn't. I began to shake, violently, until something snapped within me and I jolted into consciousness.

"DRU! God damn it, get up."

It was then that I kicked into gear, jumping up out of the seat and ignoring my protesting body. To my right my best friend, Darcy, was sandwiched between her seat and what could only be a part of the plane. Her forehead was red, the sticky residue dripping down from the top of her head. Her leg shouldn't have been able to bend the way it was. Before I could even reach for the silver bar she held out her hands in protest.

"Don't worry about me, Dru, I can wiggle out of here. Just go - go help everyone else." Her eyes didn't betray her; there was no glimmer of fear to be seen amongst the flecks of brown and green- just strength. "Please D, I can take care of myself. "

Opening my mouth in protest she shot me a look that could kill, if she wasn't bleeding and covered in soot I would have laughed at her.

Wordlessly I turned around. My stomach dropped as I became aware of what was around me. The plane had gone down all right. Down onto a beach that was now littered with parts of the plane, and people. So many people. People crying, people screaming, people running, people without limbs, and people – people who weren't moving.

Bodies looked as if they'd been scattered around as easy as sprinkles on a cupcake, they were burnt and deformed hardly recognisable. To our left there was a lady, burnt to a crisp, missing her legs mumbling, "My kids, save my kids... kids... save.... Please." But there was no one around her, no one I could save.

I felt it before I saw it. The fire erupted 10 meters ahead of where our part of the plane had landed, my face immediately burning up. But I didn't care about myself; I needed to save those people that could still be helped. Those people who's screams filled the air.


I ran to where to screams originated from, falling over bodies, debris and smaller patches of fire. I pushed threw it all, my mind on autopilot.

There were two Indian women, and after scanning over them they seemed fine. It was the woman who they were crouched over was not. She was clinging to a lifeless body; a man with a large piece of metal pierced threw his chest. Her tears were silent but her body shuddered violently as she whispered his name.

Looking to her sisters for assistance I grabbed her shoulders, only to realise one of them was dislocated. "Chadna, please, leave him. The fire is going to get us and we won't leave you." A sister pleaded as they grabbed at her too, but all of our attempts were useless she wasn't leaving this man. I could feel the fire closing in, and I knew that I had to act. In a snap movement I grabbed her shoulder and before she could protest I snapped it into place. The instant pain was enough of a distraction to make her let go of the man, giving us enough time to grab her and pull her away.

I felt another pair of hands reach out to her, they were strong- forceful. The two of us pulled her as far away as we could until we reached another large gathering of people. The boy and I let go of her as she fell onto her sisters- clinging to them as she had her husband. I nodded at the girls; they understood I had to go back in.

I ran back in, my head scanning for those that I could save. Every second person I would drop down and check for pulses but there wasn't any.

"It's all your fault, she's dead because of you. Don't you dare help me! Get away from me!" The blonde girl threw a powerful right hook at the boy, and he stood there- not fighting back. "Do something you ass! Hit back! Do anything!" The venom in her words scared even me, I was almost too terrified to approached but I had to. Around them lay over 20 bodies, some were life less other were bent over trying to use CPR or sobbing over their loved ones. They all seemed young, a school group probably.

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