Chapter 5-Pretty Much Dead Already

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Last night I went to find Maggie but never could so I just took a shower then did my chores and went to bed deciding I would find her in the morning.

I got up out of bed not really wanting to but I knew I needed to. I got up went to the bathroom brushed my teeth and did something with my long brown hair which really needed a cut.

I went back to my room and got dressed in some jeans, a baseball-t style shirt, and some boots.

I finally went downstairs and grabbed a peach eating it on my way out to the porch.

The moment I got out there I saw Maggie standing looking towards the group shaking her head.

"Mags what is your deal?" I asked and she jumped and turned around at my words. She looked at me and sighed as she looked down at her hands.

"Glenn knows about the barn." She said in a whisper "Maggie? Dad is going to kill you." I said sounding shocked "I didn't tell him he found it, I think he's going to tell them Riles." She says looking over at the group.

I look over seeing the group eating their breakfast and I glance around at each of them till I catch Daryls eye. He was looking at me he looked into my eyes and went back to eating.

"Riley!" I heared Maggie almost scream "what?" I ask "I have been trying to talk to you but you won't listen!" She says letting out a angry breath.

"Okay, I'm listening." I reassured her.

"I don't know what I'm going to do?" She told me it more sounding like a question though.

"it's going to be fine Mags, Ricks not going to let them do anything. Also daddy doesn't know you're the one who let his cat out of the bag." I told her trying to calm her down.

"Stop being pissy towards Glenn, he didn't do anything and of course he's going to tell them it's what they do, they look out for each other." I tell her glancing over at the group which is now listening to Glenn speak.

"Let's go inside and help Bethy Mags." I say pulling her away from the porch.


We hand dad his lunch and leave to go play a game that me and Maggie promised to play with her after we got our chores done.

It was some bored game she used to always make us play whenever we would come home from school for a bit.

"Beth were missing dice." Maggie says looking through the pieces.

"I'll go ask dad if he knows where some extra dice are." I told them.

"I'll come with you." Maggie tells me standing up from her sitting position.

I walk out of Beth's room Maggie following close behind. I soon hear voices, angry voices.

I look back at Maggie and look on her face tells me she hears them too, I place my pointer finger to my lips and she nods her head understanding.

I creep up and stand at the end of the wall trying to listen in on the conversation.

"We can't go out there again." I hear Ricks voice desperate and then silence for a little bit.

"my wife's pregnant." He almost whispers.

Loris pregnant? oh my god I can't believe it. A baby in this world?

"That could either be a gift here or a death sentence out there. If we stayed we could help, with the work, with securing this place, we can survive together."

"Rick I'm telling you we can't." I hear dad say.

"Please thank about what you're doing."

"I've thought about it."

"Think about it."

"I have thought about it!" Dad screams venom in his voice

"Think about it again." Rick whisper shouts harshly "we can't go out there." He says in a low tone, walking out of the house.

I come out from my hiding spot and see dad his face looking harsh and I give him a angered look.

I can feel Maggie at my side and by daddy's face were both not giving him nice stares.

"Let's go." I tell her pulling her arm away from him. "I think I saw some dice in the front room." I tell her walking that way.


We finally get done with the game and I walk outside needing some air. I sit in the rocking chair on the porch looking out.

I see Daryl storm pass going towards his tent. I stand up going to follow him.

"Hey." I say getting close as he sits down grabbing one of his arrows.

"Go away" he hisses at me.

"Wow, what's your problem?" I ask confused as to why he's acting like an ass.

"My problem is I don't need nobody telln' me what I can and can't do, expectantly some girl!" He hisses again standing up. "Did you know about the barn?" He almost whispers but his tone his harsh.

"Yes, of course I did." I told him honestly.

"You didn't tell me? Why?" He asks

"It's was my dads rule he didn't want you guys to know. I had to respect that, I had to. I'm sorry" I tell him

"No! You should have told me! I can't believe you would keep that a secret!" His tone getting louder.

"I don't like it as much as you don't, I know what they are, but he doesn't and I can't go against that I can't."

"Yes you coulda'!" He yells

"Why are you acting like an ass?" I ask and shout at the same time.

"I ain't acting like no ass, I am one, I'm the bad guy, so get the hell away from me!" He says getting closer.

"You know what? I don't know what your problem is or what you're going through right now, but you cannot take your anger out on me!" I shout at him stepping towards him.

"And just because you think you can shout people out because you don't deserve them you're wrong! So quit being an ass and figure your shit out!" I shout pointing my pointer finger to his chest trying to make my point.

He just looks down at me and just now I realize how close we are. I can feel his breath on my face and my lips part slightly.

I look up into his eyes and I can't read them. I remove my finger and storm away with tears at the brim of my eyes, not wanting to do anything I would regret.

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