Chapter 4- Chupacabra/Secrets

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After dinner I saw Carol head towards Daryl's room with a tray of food and I decided to wait till she was out, I went and stood outside of the door waiting to go in.

"How you feeling?" I heard her ask "Not as good as I look." I let out a silent chuckle so this guy is a wise ass. "Brought you some dinner you must be starving." I heard her tell him and then it was quiet for a little while.

"You need to know something." I eventually heard "You did more for my little girl today than her own daddy did in his whole life." "I didn't do anything Rick or Shane wouldn't have done." he grumbles "I know. You're every bit as good as them every bit." I started to hear foot steps so I went into the bathroom next to me and closed the door so she didn't know I was there or listening in.

When she was gone I walked out of the bathroom and took a deep breath "Knock Knock" he turned around as much as he could at my words.

I closed the door and sat on the bed "I came to check your stitches wash around them if I needed to." I told him and he grumbled trying to cover up

"I'm okay your old man was in here a little while ago." he said "I know, I just need to take a look." he just grumbled not looking me in the eye.

"Daryl" I stopped to take a deep breath "I know about your scars, my dad told me." I told him "that son' a bitch." he said sounding angry "calm down, he only told me." I reassured him "Why you?" he asks.

"Can I see them before I tell you?" i ask and he moves to let me see "Parent?" I ask "an answer for an answer." he says "Okay ask me a question." "uh, why don't you look like Maggie or Beth or your dad?" he asks and I cringe a little bit.

That's one thing I hated not being able to look like them, I always wished on my birthdays and when I prayed to God to make me look like Mags or Hershel, but no luck. "Hershel isn't my biological father and Maggie's mother wasn't my biological mother. They adopted me." I tell him he grumbles in response.

"Whip?" I ask.

"Yeah how'd ya know?" he asks quietly.

"I only got the whip one time, belt the others, he said the whip let to much of a mark." I told him honestly "Parent?" I ask again he nods his head confirming my theory.

"What happened to your biological parents?" he asks "After I was taken away my dad went to prison for a while, mom died. Mom or dad?" I ask "Dad. Mom died to." he tells me. "Do you have any scars?" he ask and I gulp.

"Yeah right here." I tell him as he turns to look at me I roll up my sleeve to show one long skinny mark. "There's others but I'd rather not take off my pants for you Mr. Dixon." I told him a tear falling.

"Your stitches look good." I tell him sitting down on the bed "Look Daryl I know you don't know me very well or anything but I can already tell I like you and well I'm just trying to tell you that you can come to me for anything really, also I can see that you don't think your as good as thoes men out there but I can tell you're just as good if not better." I told him giving him a toothless gin.

I stood up to walk out of the room when he finally spoke "I'm sorry that happened to you." he tells me "Same for you." I tell him and leave.


Riley just left my room after she checked my stitches, I lie down and think about her. Her dark brown hair so dark it could almost look black, her dark eyes that don't match anyone's in the family. I knew she was different the moment I met her, she didn't look anything like any of them and she just seems different, mysterious.

She is quit beautiful.


"You coming to gun training today?" I asked Maggie who was standing on the porch watching the group "Uh no." she told me "Why?" "I already know how to use a gun, you do to. Why do you want to go there?" "Because we both haven't used one in a very long time so might as well practice." "I'm not going i'll see you when you get back." she told me as she walked inside.

Something was up with her and I don't know what it was but I'd figure it out when I go back. I walked to Daryl's tent since he moved back in the tent this morning.

"Good book?" I asked as I walked in "A present from Andrea, you know for almost killing me." he says putting it down "No pictures though." he told me "it must be hard for you to read then." I say giving him a smirk "Wow, I didn't know you were such a smart ass." he says with a deep chuckle.

"I try. Anyways how you feeling?" I ask him "Shity, but i'll get over it." he says "Yeah don't be such a baby." I joked leaving the tent and I heard him laugh as I walked away.

I got to the blue truck and hopped in next to Beth "Hey Bethy." I greeted her "Hey Riles. Why are you in such a good mood?" she asks.

"I don't know I just feel happy. You know who's not happy today though?" I ask "Maggie." she answers and we both laugh "You are correct." I tell her and Jimmy starts driving following the other car to the set up gun range.

We get to the gun range a they're handing out guns to take I gladly take a glock.

I get in line next to the little boy Carl "do you know how to shot?" He asks and I look down at him "I actually do I learned before all of this." I say my hands gesturing around.

"This is my first time!" He almost shriks he's so excited "that's so cool! I bet you're going to do amazingly." I tell him holding my hand out and he slaps it giving me a high five.

I take the gun off of safety since I already loaded it and aim it for the bottles set up.

I take one deep breath in and exhale then pulling the trigger, and it hitting one of the bottles. I do that three times until all of my bottles are shattered.

"That was amazing!" Carl shouts "well thank you sir." I thank him tipping his hat. "Here let me help you Carl" I said stepping behind him and placing my hands over his. "Okay so you aim take a deep breath in and exhale and then pull the trigger." I tell him the steps.

"Aim." I told him helping him aim "inhale." I felt him take a big breath in "exhale and shot." I told him as he exhales and I help him pull the trigger a tiny bit. He hits the bottle and he throws his hands up in the air signaling a victory.

"Where did you learn to do that?" He asks excitedly and I chuckle "yeah I want to know as well." Rick asks laughing and Shane chimes in "me too."

"Maggie had this old boyfriend when she went through her bad girl phase and he would take us shooting all the time." I said thinking back to the boyfriend that I swear was like 30 while we were seniors in high school.

"Well you are a very, very nice shot." Rick tells me "yeah probably better than me." Shane jokes and I let out a chuckle and roll my eyes "yeah I'm sure."


I get out of the truck and start walking towards the house when I feel a little hand grab my arm.

I turn around and am met by Carl "hey I just wanted to thank you for helping me today." He says taking his hand off of me and putting it in his pocket.

"No problem cowboy." I told him tipping his hat again and I heated him laugh "keep practicing!" I called as I walked away towards the house to find Maggie.


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Also sorry for not posting super regularly school just started and it's been crazy!

Love you all and thank you for reading!

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