Mituna X Troll!Reader - Matesprit

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#Fights #Crying #Cuddles #Cussing #Talking Quirks #Personal Space? Never Heard Of It!
======> Be (Y/N).
Your name is (Y/N).
You have many, MANY hobbies. Out of your COUNTLESS HOBBIES, HANGING OUT WITH FRIENDS is probably your FAVORITE. SKATEBOARDING with LATULA, GAMING with MITUNA, TALKING with KURLO--- .... Scratch that last one.
The point is, you're friends with some trolls. Not all, though. CRONUS is an ASSHOLE.
In addition to being almost social, you enjoy SITTING IN SILENCE. In fact, that's what you're doing right now!
======> Stop thinking about yourself, you arrogant prick.
Whoops, sorry.
You stare blankly at a wall of your hive, feeling unsure. Not really unsure of anything specifically, but rather life in general.
Suddenly! ...... Dammit, I said it too soon. Suddenly! Well, fuck! Now we're too late! The point is, there was a sudden loud knock on the door of your hive. It was very sudden. It sounded like someone was about to bust the door down. Say, there it is again! .... Are you gonna get the door?
======> (Y/N), answer the door before someone breaks it.
You walk over and dramatically throw the door open. How else are you supposed to feel epic while just opening a door???
But.... All joyful drama is lost when you gaze at the troll that was knocking on the door. It's Mituna Captor. Only... He isn't wearing his helmet, and gold tears are streaming down his face from behind his hair. He's sobbing quietly.
"Tun@!" you say, worried about your close friend..... and.... possible... maybe.... flush crush. "W#@t'$ wr°ng?"
The gemini falls forward into your arms, and you wrap him into a warm hug.
"M3 4ND L-L47UL4 G07 1N 4 F1GH7," Mituna sobs out. "5-5H3 541D 5H3 D035N'7 W4NN4 83 M4735PR1T5 4NYM0R3!"
You frown slightly. Latula and Mituna got in a fight? Latula and Mituna are no longer matesprits?? Latula made Mituna cry??? You're going to have a nice, long chat with Latula about this tomorrow. But, right now, you have a Captor to comfort.
======> (Y/N), invite Mituna inside! Put in a movie, and make him a hot beverage! I read that can cheer people up!
Wait, was your source reliable?
======> . . . . . .
Oh, well. You decide to try it anyway.
You invite the sad little bee into your hive, and put in a comedy. You tell him to wait on the couch, and go to make him some warm tea.
You add in a little bit of honey. Not mind honey, though. That would end in disaster.
You bring the drink to Mituna, careful not to spill it. He takes the honey tea, seeming a bit happier. You laugh with him throughout the comedy, before putting in another one.
And another.
And another.
Before you know it, Mituna has fallen asleep on your couch. You look at the time. Realizing it's later than you thought, you decide to go and take a shower.
When you get back, there's yet another comedy movie playing. For some reason, the sound is off. Mituna is sitting up on the couch, staring kind of blankly at the screen.
======> (Y/N). This is odd behavior. Investigate at once.
You walk over to the little bee. "Tun@? @r€ ¥°u @l®|g#t?" you ask your flush crush, looking rather concerned.
Mituna looks over at you, and smiles widely. "(Y/N)!!1!!1! 1 W45 W0ND3R1NG WH3R3 Y0U W3R3!!1!1!1!" he yells excitedly, tackling you in a hug. You laugh a little. "D°n't w°®®¥, bumb|€ b€€. | w@$ ju$t |n th€ $h°w€®." Mituna stops suffocating you in a hug, and continues sitting on the couch. He pats the spot next to him, wanting you to sit beside him. You gladly oblige, and watch the muted movie.
Soon enough, the little bee is cuddled up with you, half asleep. You feel like he's invading your personal bubble, but you don't want to disturb him. You look down at him and blush a light (B/C). Wait..... Didn't he say Latula didn't want to be his matesprit anymore? You read back in the story. Gasp, he did!
You squeal internally and start thinking of ways to confess your red feelings for Mituna, your little bee.
~~Timeskip, because I feel like this should be longer, but am a lazy ass.~~
======> Be the bumble bee.
You are now the little bee, also known as Mituna Captor.
Despite the fact that it's the middle of the night, you find yourself unable to fall fully asleep. A thought is tugging at the back of your mind..... (Y/N).
You look over at the handsome/beautiful troll you're cuddled up beside. They're asleep, and snoring softly.
You smile at the sight, and lean over to gently kiss their forehead.
Now that Latula seems to hate you, you'll have to confess the red feelings you've had for (Y/N) since the day you met.

(814 words)

Homestuck One-shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora