Part 20 : Passed S-Class Mission Celebration

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The Next Day at the guild hall

Sofia : come on Lucy they'll be so proud of you that you've passed your S-Class Mission.

Lucy : ( smiles )

Natsu : ! I'm worried

Gajeel : stop worrying Natsu you know how strong Lucy is have faith in her.

Kagura : yeah , I bet Lucy will come to the guild hall with a big smile on her face with good news .

Lisanna : ( yeah right , I bet she failed that S-Class Job , what a total show off )

30 minutes later

Sofia : Ayo Minna ( laughs )

Happy : hey Sofia

Sofia : ( smiles ) good news everyone , Lucy passed her S-Class job

Lisanna : ( WHAT NO SHE PASSED )

Natsu : yay , good job Lucy !

Lucy : ( smiles )


Fairy tail : YEAH

Guild member : congratulations Lucy

Lucy : ( smiles ) thanks

Happy : Lucy since you know how to draw I was thinking if I can have some fish please ( gives puppy eyes )

Lucy : ( laughs ) of course happy ( draws a fish ) here you go .

Lucy : ( laughs ) of course happy ( draws a fish ) here you go

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Happy : Woah you draw that fast !

Lucy : ( laughs , makes 2 copies of it and pours it into a bowl ) There you go.

Happy : thanks Lucy ( munches on fish )

Lucy : ( laughs ) you're welcome , ( looks at Lisanna ) !

Lisanna : ( makes angry daggers at Lucy )

Mirajane : ( smiles ) Lucy is something wrong ?

Lucy : ( slowly turns away ) nothing I was just um .

Natsu : Lisanna stop staring at Lucy it's not her fault she has multiple different kinds of great power , and is S-Class instead of you .

Lucy : Natsu it-

Mirajane : no Lucy , Natsu's right it's not polite to stare at people , don't say it's okay because it's not.

Lisanna : ( wow what a complete show off , you see how she's getting all the attention from the guild hall )

Lucy : ( continues drawing )

Lisanna : ( tries to attack Lucy but misses her shot )
whispers : Damn

Sofia : Lucy are you okay after that !

Lucy : yes Sofia I'm fine I'm healer , you worry to much ( smiles ) .

Natsu : Lisanna where you trying to attack Lucy ?

Lisanna : ( innocent look ) no Natsu why would you think that !

Natsu : Lisanna I will ask you again were you trying to attack Lucy ?

Lisanna : no

Lucy : it's okay Natsu I had a sheild so nothing will hurt me.

Natsu : Lucy it's not okay !

Mirajane : Lisanna can I talk to you outside ?

Lisanna : what Miranee I'm not doing anything to Lucy !

Mirajane : Lisanna outside now .

Outside of the guild hall

Lisanna : is something wrong Miranee ?

Mirajane : don't Miranee me Lisanna.

Lisanna : I was only trying to figure out what's wrong with you Mira.

Mirajane : Lisanna whatever you're doing to Lucy it has to stop now .

Lisanna : ( smiles ) doing what to Lucy I'm not doing anything to her !

Mirajane : Lisanna I'm serious.

Lisanna : I understand Miranee , what makes you think I want to hurt a pretty , nice girl like her .

Mirajane : um you tried attacking her so many times , you gave her dirty looks so many times because of her team and Natsu , and not to mention each time she's with Natsu you grip your hands , to make it look like you want to kill someone !

Lisanna : Lucy , Lucy , Lucy that's all everyone cares about and gets most of the attention from , no one ever pays any attention to me.

Mirajane : they pay their attention to her because she's so kind , they pay attention to her because she loves her friends , they pay attention to her because she's the 6th powerful person in our guild hall.

Lisanna : ( tch how annoying )

Mirajane : Lisanna I'm begging you stop being rude to Lucy and stop giving her evil looks she's never did anything wrong to you.

Lisanna : okay

Mirajane : thank you

At nightfall while the Wizards are sleeping

Lisanna : ( staring at Lucy ) Whispers : I'll trick and lure that girl to a trap and kill her I had enough of all of the attention that she's getting from everyone ( sleeping )

Narrator : uh oh ! What power will Lisanna have to kill Lucy , who will find out her death , who will save her and catch Lisanna find out on the next part of Born Experienced Elemental Dragon Slayer.

End of Part 20

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