Chapter 1

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The alarm goes off Tionna Rolled over looked at it and shut her eye's close the clock snooze again she Finally gets up get her self together it all started year 2015 Woodlawn high school senior year for tionna Meagan and tionna have been friends since they were In middle school she from the New orleans They clicked instantly since day one tionna met up with meagan at the locker so meagan on and on about how this is senior year she not letting anyone hold her back I just wanna stay focus and get up out of here I feel ya but I got to get to class you no how they be on the 1st Day wait T when you was getting out The car I seen Juan Standing with his crew checking you out Tionna crack a smile no way in hell I will Date someone like him he have to many females besides I thought that Boy had a girlfriend what's her name ahhhhhhh Monique or some like dat Meagan Rolls eyes ahhhhh T that was so last year this a New school year nope I aint tryna fool with that meagan We just don't fit besides he Ruff around the edges Meagan start laughing T you Crazy and just Shy if he approach you Don't pass it up I heard he got them Bandz Meagan I am not Dating that boy because he got money it will never work Bell Rings again Ight Friend that's the late bell ima catch you after lunch as I walk in my First class I see one empty chair and it had to be right in front of Juan As I'm walking to the chair My heart start beating very fast just replaying when meagan said he was just checking me out Mrs . Bridges walked in the class settle down class Welcome to your Senior year you all are almost adults now we gone focus on plans right after High school so sit tight I just have to run to the office and pick up somethings not to loud keep quiet soon as she walks out Juan Friend Rod says to me Aye Miss lady you looking Nice today I raised a eyebrow at him crack a smile Thank you he said whats up now Rod is the type That don't stay in relationships long or barley can get a Date because he Disrespectful so He goes on and on and ask when we gone chill Tionna look at Rod and laugh If that's your way of asking me out I will pass Rod said Well Fuck you Stuck up Ass you ain't all that cute anyway That's when Juan step up He stand up in Rod Face aye watch you Mouth and push him to the Back of the class Bruh chill out if the Girl say no than just Respect her wish Teacher walks back in Started her lesson bye the time the bell rung I just couldn't wait to see meagan so I can tell her what went on I shot her a quick text like Bihhhh you not gone believe what happen to me meet me by my car I will give you a ride home so after school we get in the Car  meagan like what's the deal ohh I no Juan isn't it T said no well kinda sort of but it was Rod Meagan said Rod ewww T Rod no not Like That We'll hush Girl let me tell you what Happen Rod approched me in a Rude way I told him I will pass and he got mad and start calling me out my name Juan Stood up for me I told you he wanted you girl so that was it yes that was it I didn't get a chance to thank him to be true Rod had me mad as hell after he tried to Embarrass me like that in front of the whole class but I will get around to it So you got to work today or what yeah I do so ain't no hanging after school most of my time will be tied up Due to work sorry friend it's ok T I understand Get them coins OK GIRL bye.

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