(A Notice)

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Hey guys! I just wanted to let you guys know that I'll be continuing this story! I'm working on new chapters currently and can't wait for you guys to read them!! Thank you all for being so patient and supportive.

Here's a little sneak peak into my plan for this story:

I know most of you are concerned that Wonwoo isn't currently in the picture, but have no fear! He will be soon. Long live Meanie! :P

Jun and Minghao are also going to be able to meet very, very soon.... but under what circumstances? ;)

I'm not sure when the new chapters will be out, but at least a few should come out before February comes around. Again, thank you guys for being unbelievably patient with me for these molasses slow additions! I always take time to read all of your comments! Love all of you so much!


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