Chapter Seven: Lies Hide The Truth

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I woke up and went downstairs, to where the others were talking. Tiger looked a bit tired, so did Smoke.

"You ok?" I asked her.

"I'll be fine if Ratchet can find the Nemesis." She thought into my head.

Jack announced that it was time for school (which made Miko groan), so the others grabbed their backpacks and Ratchet ground bridged them to their schools. I bent down to grab my bag when Tiger gently grabbed my shoulder with the tips of her fingers.

"I'm sorry, but you can't go. Our cover would be blown. But you can help me take your siblings."

Nodding sadly, I grabbed Eli, Nyssa, and Devin and held onto them as Ratchet sent us through the groundbridge. I left them at their preschools, told then I would be back later, and went back. Ratchet seemed transfixed on the screen.

A second later, the screen beeped.

Cliff was driving around, and of course, Wheeljack wasn't around. Arcee operated the groundbridge.

"Why is that an advantage?" Silvermist asked her, which I was wondering the exact same thing.

"Optimus has the power of the Primes, and we have the Solace of Primus. He possibly power the groundbridge into a space bridge and we would have the advantage of surprise."

Silvermist laughed. "You know I love surprises."

I stared at the floor, thoughts running through my head. "The Solace of Primus." I barely whispered. That meant something to me , but I couldn't figure out what.

Leaving the room, I went to the hall and opened the door to where the giant hammer was. "Maybe a touch will remind me." I thought.

Reaching to it, I grabbed the handle , and it felt surprisingly light. Picking it up, it glowed brightly and sparks were flying off of it.

It did revive my memories a little. I saw a figure that wasn't Optimus holding it. After putting it down, I turned around to see Optimus standing there.

"As I suspected. You must not tell anyone about this." He told me.

"Not even Tiger? Or Ratchet?"

"No one. Now come with me."

I followed him to another room, where a motorscooter stood.

"I have an assignment for you after you scan this and I fix the groundbridge."

My optics lit up brightly.

POV: Tiger

"Stripes! Wait up!"

I turned around and looked at my oldest friend. "What's up?"

"I was wondering if you could help me fix my staff? I can't figure out why it won't change into a staff from the ring."

I laughed. "Of course. I'll go get my repair kit."

I went to my bed and started digging through my box that was under it when I felt light headed. "I better have Ratchet check that." I thought.

Grabbing the kit, I walked to her bed where she had her ring placed on it. "Let's do it." She told me before I heard brakes screech.

Looking down, I saw a motorscooter that was green and blue transform into Amber. "Check it out Tiger! I got a vehicle mode! WHOO HOO!" She transformed and drove away before crashing. "Ow! I'm ok!"

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