Chapter 3

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Julianna's POV
January 7,2011

"It's just another night and I'm starring into the moon. I saw a shooting sta-"

I turned off my alarm clock and waited in bed until I got the energy to get out. I walked by Christina's room hearing snoring coming from the room making it obvious that Tony stayed over.

I led (lead? Led?) myself to the bathroom and let my hair down. I curled it and did my makeup heavy yet again classy, I brushed my teeth and went back to my room, as I passed Christina's room I can already start hearing moaning. "Gross." I mumbled to myself and made my way to my own room and got dressed.
The time was 3:30 and I was getting ready to leave. "You're leaving again?" Christina asked as her and Tony were eating jack in the box. "Yea I told you about my nieces party." I reminded her about my lie of yesterday. She nodded and grabbed a wrapped double burger and curly fries out of the bag

"Here take this on the road." She said handing me the food. "Thanks" I said taking the food "bye Julie" Tony said winking at me "oh my god Tony shut the fuck up." I said exiting the house.

The thing is that one day Christina wasn't home because her brother was sick and she wanted to go see him at the hospital. Tony came over very very drunk and I told him Christina wasn't here. Then he said that he wasn't looking for Christina he was looking for me. I told him multiple times to go home, but he didn't. He tried touching me but I didn't let him. He then forced me into the sofa and tried taking my pants off, but I got the force to push him off of me. That's the only reason I don't like Tony anymore. Christina doesn't know about this yet.


I parked my car and looked at the shop, it looked pretty empty. I locked my doors and walked in and there he was sitting on the chair behind the cash register on his phone, "welcome to the strange and unusual." He said not looking up. I laughed and waited there in place "what's so fu- oh hey." He said putting his phone on the counter and walking towards me

"I didn't think you'd show up." He smiled.

"Why wouldn't I? An attractive guy tells me to come over so of course I'm going to come over to his shop." I said. He laughed and nodded

"So what are our plans for today?" I asked
"Well we can chill here until the shop closes then we can go eat dinner." I nodded "but I should get your name before we go out." He chuckled, "I'm Julianna."
"Josh, but my ban-" he stopped himself "family, calls me balz"

"So are you visiting or living in Scranton?"

"Living ." I answered

Balz POV

"Oh that's prett-" my phone interrupted me. "Hold up." I said reading the message

From: Ryan-Ashley
To:Josh Balz

Hey babe! I landed in California already! Just wanted to tell you, and also when I get home I have some important news to tell you! Not sure if you would like it by I'm so so excited!

From: Josh Balz

Okay be safe beautiful! :)
And alright! Have fun <3

I looked back to her and smiled. "It was my boss telling me to close up the shop." I lied

She nodded "that girl that was here the other day. Are you two together?"

"What? No. She's my boss." I lied again

"Oh." She said "she's really pretty" she added

"You're prettier so you don't have to worry." I told her. Then her cheeks got very red. This is honestly such a waste of my time. Making dumbass complement just so I can get her. It's working though but it's never been this hard. Once I want a girl all I do is give them the exact look I gave this Julianna girl when I gave her the shirt and they just give themselves to me.



I turned around as I locked the shop, finally. I thought to myself.

This shit was honestly annoying all I did was hear her talk and talk and talk. "Okay let's go." I said.

She followed me to my car and I opened the passenger door for her. She entered the vehicle. This is getting way easier then I thought.

I entered the vehicle to and started the engine. I look to her side and saw a picture of Ryan-Ashley and I kissing on the windshield. Fuck

"Um I saw a necklace fall on the ground right outside ur door is that yours?" I tried coming up with an excuse to remove the photo

"Uh let me check." She said opening her door. I quickly grabbed the picture and ripped it apart and put it in my back pocket.

"Nope." She said closing the door.

I looked at my back seat. Fuck I forgot to get the waters. "I forgot something hold up beautiful." I said while getting back into the shop. I got two water bottles and put a pill in one. I shook it up. This will make her knock out a bit for the road.

I walked out and locked the shop again.

"Here have this." She smiled and took it from me. "Thank you"

"No problem." I smirked and started the engine.

we started driving and she didn't even take a sip from the water yet.ill just have to make things a bit hot for her to get thirsty I guess.

I placed my hand on her thigh and I felt her tense up a bit. I smirked as I saw her grab the water bottle.

Julianna's POV

His hand was cold, it felt amazing in a way. Part of me wanted him to do what he's doing, but part of me didn't. I grabbed the water bottle he gave me and then he gave me a smirk.

I drank the water bottle and he removed his hand and shook his head while smiling.

"Um.. Where are we going?" I asked a bit dopey.

"To go eat silly goose." He said.

"Uh hate to ruin the vibe, but can I go home? I'm feeling a bit dizzy." I kinda stuttered.

"Yea sure, just tell me where to go, drink water it helps." He said. It's cute how he tried helping me, but I couldn't focus anymore. I drank the water and ended up drinking it all. "Okay I.. Um... I"   I tried talking, but the words didn't come out "are you okay beautiful?" I heard him say while pulling up to the curb.

Next thing I know is that I blacked out.



Okay so I left y'all with a baby cliff hanger just so it can make y'all wanna read more lol.

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-Angie ❤️

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