Chapter 2

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Julianna's POV
January 6, 2011

"Are you ready to talk about it?" Christina asked through my locked door.

Ever since the day of the shop I haven't gotten out of my room or gone out. It just feels odd, I feel like I'm still being watched by him.
"Uh it's nothing." I lied.

"Sure, whenever you're ready to talk about it just come talk to me." I heard her footsteps walk downstairs.

Without hesitation I grabbed my shoes and slipped them on while grabbing a Nike sweater that was big on me because it was my ex boyfriends sweater. I grabbed my purse and left my room. "Where are you going?" My nosy roommate asked.

"I'll be back soon I promise." I then left.

The store was still there and looked creepier than ever. I inhaled heavily and exhaled and walked in the shop. A few more people were in here than last time. I looked at the cashier and saw a women standing there.

I scanned the shop one last time and he was no where to be found. "Fuck.." I mumbled and felt disappointed. I walked out while trying to find my keys in my purse. "Oh shit." Someone said after they bumped into me while I exited the building. "Oh sorry." He said. I looked up and it was the guy from yesterday. He was carrying a box that had the same crown on it from the t-shirt.

"Dropped another visit?" He asked while taking his hand out so I can grab it. He helped me up and I began to spoke, "uh yea something like that."

"Where you looking for anything in particular? Or anyone in particular?" Before I answered I noticed that his hand was still grabbing mine. I let go and brushed it off my thigh. "No I-ju- I- n-no I wasn't." My cheeks got hot because I embarrassed myself.

"That's fine I guess I should get going if you're not looking for anyone." He shrugged and out on sunglasses. Did he knew I was trying to find him? "Uh." Was the only word that escaped my mouth.

"Yes?" He said while holding the door opened with his foot "I actually was going to ask you something" I was finally brave enough to speak a goddamn sentence. "Yes?" He respected himself.

"Yesterday, why were you just star-"

"BALZ!" The lady from earlier that was standing at the cash register yelled. He rolled his eyes and looked at me. He took his sunglasses off and there was that look again.

"I should get going." He mumbled. I nodded and turned to make my way back to my vehicle, "wait!"

I turned back around and gave him a 'what' look. "Come by my shop tomorrow? I'll be the only one here."

"Uh, why should I?" I raised my eyebrow.
"Because, I want to get to know you." He answered with a smirk.

I smiled and started blushing. "Um alright." I looked down to avoid him from looking at my face. "BALZ!" He growled. And looked at me and winked.

I died at that moment, he's so charming and easy to fall for. He walked in and I turned and continued to start walking to my vehicle.

Balz POV


I rolled my eyes right when I turned around and walked in the shop "God dammit Ryan-Ashly I was talking to a costumer!" I yelled then threw the box.

"Sure, I saw her. She was smiling." She spat. "BABE!" I turned Around and grabbed her cheeks with my palms.

"Baby listen, no one can ever replace you." I said while pecking her lips. She looked at me and sighed, then she walked to the back of our shop so she can continue packing.

I sighed and started tapping my fingers on the cashier table top just thinking about my plan for tomorrow.

Julianna's POV


I got out of my car and made my way inside. "Hey Julie."

"Shut the fuck up Tony, hey Christina." I greeted while pacing upstairs. I locked my room door and looked through my closet.

What if he wants to go out? So I picked out cute plain black leggings and a nice tan sweater.

A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts, I groaned and walked and unlocked it "hey what's up?" Christina asked walking in and sitting down on my bed. "Nothin-"

"Sure to hell nothing that's why you're looking for an outfit." 

I was going to tell her, but then paused because I knew she wasn't going to shut up about it, "just going to visit my grandma. It's my cousins party." I lied.

She nodded and glanced at me. "Alright." Then she slowly left my room.

I love her to death but she is really clingy and nosy. Sometimes I would just want her to give me space like now. She never tells me when Tony comes over and honestly I don't care when he does or anything because she's an adult and she can do whatever she wants.

And plus I really never talk about boys with Christina, only when she ask about boy advice is the only time we talk about guys really.

My last relationship was about 3 years ago and it wasn't even anything special. That's why the way I saw that, I'm assuming his name is 'balz'
Guy he made me feel a good type of way. And not in a sexual way. Just in a way that I felt completed looking into his eyes. It was odd.

It was getting late so I just went to bed so the next day could come by faster.



Next chapter is going to be very very interesting!

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