The Three Words

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Trevor POV:

I stretched my hand out in front me to cover the sun. A gentle breeze blew through sending leaves to blow. Laying down in a clearing I can feel all of nature, its energy pulsing under me.

"There you are. I've been looking all over for you." A familiar voice said.

I sit up to see a rather handsome face. My boyfriend Ryan.

"Well hey there handsome." I said as Ryan sat down next to me.

"Nothing much, just came to see my boyfriend." He replied before grabbing my chin and pulling me in for a kiss.

Our lips locked with a swirl of emotion and passion, he entwined our fingers together and pulled me on top of him.

"I love you." He whispered staring into my eyes.

My eyes watered as I gently caressed his face.

"I love you too Ry."

Ryan POV:

Elves are creatures of nature, blessed with many powers they are a force to be reckoned with. Equipped with many powers gifted by a queen, elves begin training as warriors. Beautiful wise creatures of the forest. My Trevor is one of them.

It seems that the helpless boy I rescued in the locker room isn't so helpless anymore.

Today we confessed our love for each other, I fell in love with this boy, but something is weighing on my mind after talking to my sister. Sure I love Trevor but what about everyone else?

My pack, my sister, my beta they all need me. They're suffering while I'm sitting here enjoying my boyfriend, training another werewolf. I shook my head, I'm going to enjoy this for as long as I can.

One day I have to go back, I can't cower in fear forever.

I glanced over at my beautiful boyfriend, his hair gleaming a bright yellow like the afternoon sun in the sky and his blue eyes shining like the sea. I really love you Trevor, with my entire heart.

Claire POV:

I sat locked in my bedroom carefully nursing my wounds. My mother knew what had happened but she said nothing. I'm her daughter and she left that man hurt me like no big deal.

Luckily my day has picked up. I saw that girl this morning, she was beautiful I'll give her that but she was friends with Eric.

That backstabber, now I'm going after his boyfriend. Hurting Eric directly won't work, I have to hurt the only thing he cares about.

"Mrs. Claire, I have collected the information you wanted" Charles said and handed me two large folders.

I smiled gripping them tightly in my grip, this is what I need to really get to Eric.

I flipped the folder open turning on my lamp as night spilled into the day dimming the light.

"This is exactly what I need to make Eric regret everything he did to me. He'll pay for what his father did too" I said and began to laugh. Eric, Nate, Caleb they're all the same.

Now Eric has that girl on his side. I ran into her this morning, she smelled of smoke and she noticed me right away. I couldn't help but notice the hotel key card hanging out of her pocket. I figured out she was a bar hopper.

I'm gonna make that bitch pay to, I thought and grabbed my keys heading out to find her.

Eric POV:

I laid in bed listening to the sound of Nate sleeping softly besides me. I had carried him up from the basement and give him a few pills to calm down. Confessing what I did to him, was difficult.

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