War (Part out of order)

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The alert on my communication system came abruptly, I wasn't exactly sure what was going on, but I knew someone was in danger. It appeared that the rest of the avengers were also alerted. I asked Black Widow what was going on, she said Tony was in danger. I hadn't heard from Tony since the registration incident, and now I finally hear from him and he's in danger. I quickly got onto my motorcycle and rushed to his location. I wasn't losing another friend.
My jokes are bad. Not as bad as a Hollywood comedians, but pretty bad. I still laugh at them though because sometimes I'm my only audience. Of course sometimes I get inspiration and make jokes that are so good that they knock people's socks off. This was one of those jokes. You see it goes like this: A God walks into a bar..... and orders a drink. The bartender reluctantly agrees to get him one. The bartender after getting his drink is asked if he knows a thing or two about religion by the God. The bartender then says "No I don't. How about you enlighten me on the subject." ''Ba' 'dum' 'tis' drumroll certified joke. Now the funniest thing is that the God leaves his ancient artifact behind and the bartender can keep it all to himself. If you've guessed by now I'm the bartender. So what is the ancient artifact I possess? None other than a little thing called the tesseract.
Third personPOV
The avengers had arrived at the location where their friend was in trouble. Bruce Wayne was about to either kill Tony Stark or seriously injure him. Bruce also knew that Tony would try and call his friends, so Bruce called his as well and they had already arrived. The Scarlet speedster known as The Flash, The chrome warrior known as Cyborg and of course AquaMan the king of the ocean. They were faced against an avengers team which consisted of: Captain America,Scarlet Witch, The Falcon, And Black Widow. They started fighting immediately, the heavy hitters were the Flash and Scarlet Witch, The strategists were Cyborg and Black Widow, The Frenzy fighters were AquaMan and Falcon. As for Batman, Captain America and IronMan? They fought ferociously. Blood, Sweat ,Tears you name it. They all would have killed each other if it weren't for Two Saviors. So another chapter done. I left you on a cliff hanger once again! Who are those two Saviors? But more importantly what is Joker up too? Find out next chapter! Warning: This part may be out of order! I saved this draft a while ago so it will be after the chapter 'Granny's peach tea' when it should be after 'Misunderstanding'.

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