Chapter 6

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Just informing you that there is a bit of Swearing in this chapter.


I wake up and I'm in Tom's arms, led on the sofa. We were all watching 'The Duff.'(that was really random but I was just watching that so yeah.) The whole squad were asleep, all around my Rhode Island home living room. So much for staying in my guest bedrooms. Wait. It's Fourth of July isn't it? I leap up and start waking everyone up . "Wake up," and "It's July 4th!". When everyone was awake we started to prepare everything . Even with the whole squad here , there were still loads more people to arrive. The water slide people came and set up, and the guests started to pour in. As I was setting up the barbecue I realised something. " Oh shit," I muttered under my breath. Abigail heard me and came over."What's up Tay?" She asked. "Abi, I just realised, I invited Adam before we broke up. What happens if he shows up?" "Taylor, I'm sure he won't turn up," she said uncertainly. But I knew Adam. Of course he would turn up. He would come a) to get me back or b) to whip Tom's ass. She pulled me into a hug. As Karlie walks past , she notices something's up. "Nee nor (sirens) emotional police here how can I help?" "Taylor invited Adam before they broke up and now she's afraid he might turn up," Karlie take hold of my hand. "I have an idea !" She exclaimed. Abigail and I exchanged looks. Karlie's ideas can be very interesting ,to say the least. "So here's the plan," Karlie said. "If he shows up, then you need to ignore him. IGNORE. IGNORE. IGNORE. If any of his friends ask you about him, deny that you ever dated him. DENY. DENY. DENY. And we'll get Tom to wear a shirt that says 'I heart T.S,' so Calvin knows to back off. And if worst comes to worst, I'll get the cricket bat out and beat him to death." Ok. Karlie takes her plans VERY seriously. "Are you joking right now?" Abi asked. "Of course not. Now I'll go get Tom to put on the shirt. The guests will be arriving any minute now. Abi you watch the door and text me, Tom and Tay if he comes. And Taylor, FIND A DAMN BIKINI. stop trying to hide your body. " Karlie walks off. Abigail shrugs and goes inside. I carry on setting up the barbecue. DOES KARLIE SERIOUSLY THINK THAT IM GOING TO WEAR A BIKINI?! No chance. Does she really think that I'm gonna wear a bikini when there are all these supermodels about . " Hey Taylor!" It's Ellie. She's wearing a bikini. HOW IS SHE SO CONFIDENT? "When did you get here Els?" I ask. "Just a few minutes ago," she replies. "You've done a really great job at setting up!" She says. "Oh, I couldn't have done it by myself!" I laugh. "So...Taylor , heard you got a new man. Congrats! I still feel kind of bad because my amazing matchmaking skills didn't go very well," Ellie says. "No. It's totally cool. It wasn't your fault. I guess Adam and I just weren't meant to be..." I trail off. Ellie and I just stand there for a few moments, thinking. "Anyways I better go find Ed. Apparently there are some epic veggie burgers!" She starts to walk off but turns around and says "Put a bikini on Tay! We're going down to the beach in a sec. Plus, you look AMAZING in one," she says walking off. CAN EVERYONE STOP TELLING ME TO PUT A BIKINI ON! They're just trying to make me feel bad because there are some many skinny girls here and I'll be the only fat one. As I head into the kitchen, I feel arms wrap around my waist. "Hey Tay," I spin around and it's Tom. He is working the 'I Heart T.S' shirt. "Are you gonna put a swimming costume on and come down to the beach with everyone?" He asks. "Well I was just gonna stay here and... watch, the door incase anyone comes," I lie. " It's fine, Abigail's watching the door. Come on Tay, I know why you won't go. We're gonna be in the water , no one will see you," he says. "Yes they will , and their jaws will drop because I look so hideous," I say, about to burst into tears. I do a good job at hiding it though. " The only time their jaws will drop is when they see how skinny you are!" Tom yells. I'm surprised at this. " Look Taylor, you're beautiful, and everyone knows it. The only person who doesn't realise it is YOU. I just wish you could see it," he says, giving me a kiss on my forehead. BEEP! Both of our phones go off. It's a text from Abigail, saying:

A= GUYS ALERT! Adams here with a bunch of his friends!!!!! I tried to stop them coming in, but he said he's got 'Important Business' to take care of.

I reply as quick as possible.

Tay= Which way did he come in? X

A= Side door x

Even though Tom is right next to me he still sends a text.

Tom= How many friends were there?

A=About 3 or 4 x

Tom= :(

Karlie , who was currently at the beach got a spam of texts on her phone . She joined in the group chat.

K= Guys remember the plan. Abigail, inform Security that unwanted visitors are here. Tom, flaunt the shirt. Taylor, IGNORE and DENY. Got it everyone? X

T=Ok :)

A='Operation: Kill Calvin' is in operation! X

Tom runs off to find everyone else. I just feel like Adam and I need to talk. I don't have feelings for him anymore but I feel like after such an intense relationship, it'd be nice to end things properly. I forget the 'Ignore and Deny' plan and run off to find Adam. I find him interrogating Ed. "Uh Taylor!" Adam says , pulling me in for a really awkward hug. I flinch at his touch. "Maybe we can go somewhere a bit more private?" I suggest. We go into the lounge. We both sit there kind of awkwardly, waiting for someone to say something. "Look, I don't know what happened between us, but all I know is that I want to try again with you," What? We broke up! Right at that second my knight in shining armour (Tom) appears. "WHAT THE FUCK?" Adam yells, obviously noticing Toms shirt. He charges at Tom. "NO!"I scream. They're now In a full blown fight. Adam being really tall had an advantage, but Tom's training for Loki helped him immensely. Karlie runs in , with security right behind her. As my guards prised them apart as Karlie called the Ambulance.




After hours of waiting, a woman came up to me. "Miss Swift, you may now visit Mr Hiddleston." I got up and rushed along the corridor. By the time Tom got to the hospital it was around 8 pm. Adam was also in hospital. (The room next door unfortunately) I had slept in my car waiting for visiting hours. When I first got up I looked in the rear view mirror. I was an absolute MESS. All my makeup was smudged and I was still in my black top and July 4th Leggings. I opened the door to Tom's room and he was awake, reading the newspaper. He had a few bruises and cuts but nothing to serious. "Taylor!" He exclaimed. I kissed him on the forehead and he smiled. "I'm so sorry about yesterday. Adam was out of order," "Don't worry love," he replied. " Their going to discharge me in a few hours anyway. " I got up and went to find a vending machine. I really needed some coke to give me energy. As I walked past Adams room, I peeked in. He definitely lost in that fight. He had twice the amount of bruises. I smiled to myself. My man was protecting me.  :)

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