Chapter One:Danger, Danger, and Six More

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"The wheels on the bus goes round and round!" a boy on my school bus broke out singing for no reason. And surprisingly, all the 9th graders on the bus joined.

Except me. I looked at my friends, Madison (aka, Madi), Allison (whom everyone called Ally), and Mason.

This is how the day started, and it changed beyond what I can go back to eventually one day, for this was a particular winter day I went on a field trip with my school, and the day a tiger escaped it's exhibit. It was a rather warm day, so I was wearing my short sleeve green shirt, a pair of navy comprese, and my favorite brown boots. All was covered by my purple coat. My grade broke up into groups of four, my friends and I started walking towards the back of the theme park. Every year, the ninth graders would go to our local amusement park. I've been looking forward to it for weeks, especially when I learned that there was a tiger show (happening on the day we went) with the tiger they had there. My group reached where it was happening and sat down and watched for a few minutes, then everything went wrong. The tiger saw a chance to get out and decided to bolt. It escaped and everyone nearby scrambled and ran away screaming. I just stood there, with a positive smile on my face. I thought I could take it on, but boy was I wrong. My friends ran just around the corner, but they stopped from going any further when they saw what I was doing.

"Amber! Don't do it! You'll be killed!" The three of them shouted over and over again. They wanted me to come over there while I just wanted to fight.

Turing my hearing aids off in stubbornness, the fight started. I dodged and tripped the striped, furry beast as many times as he tried to hit me, which was twelve times. Except once. His claw caught the back of my shirt and winter jacket and left me with ruined clothes and four not deep, but bleeding gashes on my back. I was lying there motionless, hoping that he would come at me so I could kick him in the chin. The tiger made a pounce for me, but another tiger knocked it down.

"Another tiger?" I was thinking in awe."But there's only one in the cage, right?"

I sat up and saw the two tigers fighting claw to claw. The one that attacked me looked different than the one that saved me.

In my head, I heard a voice that I knew for a fact wasn't mine saying, "Go on! Get out of here!"

I ran for my friends and we quickly got on the bus.

" Why did you do that Amber?" Madi asked me as she was gently putting bandaids on my back. "Pride, I guess." "And how could I let anyone get hurt?" I started thinking."My motto is 'If I can't protect myself, how am I going to protect others?"

In the distance, I heard all the rest of the kids running back to the bus.

"Everyone on? Time to go home." Our bus driver told as after the last kid burst through the bus door and everyone was seated, including himself.

The entire ride back to school, I wondered why that tiger saved me. I got off of the bus and it was after 3:05 P.M., even though school got off at 2:25 P.M. In the parking lot was a orange and black motorcycle with somebody sitting on it with a sign that had my name.

Walking over to the motorcycle's rider, I asked, "Do I know you?"

"Yes." the person responded with a voice I could tell was a female.

"Did my parents send you?"


That was weird. My parents only would send someone else if they AND my grandparents on each side couldn't. To test her to make sure that she wasn't lying, I asked her for the password. "Cheetos."

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