As soon as I step off, Brendon was right there, causing me to almost bump into him.

"Oh hey, sorry." I rub the back of my neck uneasily. Everyone else was already making their way inside the tall building, leaving us alone.

"Hey, I was just waiting for you is all." He smiled. "So, if you don't mind me asking, why were you staring so intently at me earlier? I know I'm a bit dashing, but it was an awful long time." A chuckle escaped his lungs.

"I'm sorry about that. I...I just got deep into thought and I was apparently looking your way." That came out a lot smoother than I had intended for it to be, since I could feel the nerves inside me start to kick in. And I'm positive my face was still splotchy from blushing earlier.

"I was just asking." His smiles slowly begins to fade as his face got a bit more serious. "What exactly were you thinking about?"

"Oh...uh..." I don't really know how to explain this to him. 'I was thinking about how much I like you and this whole thing with Ryan and Jon and them leaving the band is really making me question whether or not I'll be able to see you again'. Yeah, because I totally say that out load to him. "I was just thinking about this whole situation. And how I might not ever see you again." The shorter version of that sounded a lot better than what was going on inside my head. I'm glad I worded it that way.

"Oh." That gives me a sign that he didn't really think about that part. "That would suck." I look down to see him moving his foot in a way that looked like he was squashing a bug.

"Yeah it would." That was all that was said before the awkward silence between us for the next few moments. "I'm gonna head inside. You coming?" I make a motion towards the entrance to the hotel. I wanted to just get this over with.

Brendon bites his lip. "Wait, not yet." He smiles and grabs my hand, pulling me back towards him. He then walks onto the bus, still holding onto my hand.

As I walk inside, Brendon closes the door behind me and locked it. He reached for the light switch and turned off the main light from the bus, leaving the only light source to come from the bunks. My heart skipped a beat. What was he doing?

"Why are you doing this?" I questioned him as he grabbed ahold on his guitar and sat down on the couch.

"So that no one comes in to check on us." He pats the seat next to him and looks down to pick at some of the strings to tune it. I cautiously sat next to him, still unable to detect why we didn't just go with the rest of the guys into the hotel. It was just me and him. It felt amazing and I had hoped that this moment would never end. But I knew that it would soon, for someone was bound to come knocking on the door.

"I uh..I wrote a song for you." He looks up at me, but quickly back down to the acoustic in his lap. "But's on the album already. But I dedicated it to you. In my mind anyway." He started playing and I recognized the song right away, humming along as he began to sing.

"She held the world upon a string
But she didn't ever hold me
Spun the stars on her fingernails
But it never made her happy
Cause she couldn't ever have me
She said she'd won the world at a carnival
But she could never win me
Cause she couldn't ever catch me

I, I know why
Because when I look in her eyes
I just see the sky
When I look in her eyes
Well I, just see the sky

I don't love you I'm just passing the time
You could love me if I knew how to lie
But who could love me?
I am out of my mind
Throwing a line out to sea
To see if I can catch a dream

The sun was always in her eyes
She didn't even see me
But that girl had so much love
she'd wanna kiss you all the time
Yeah, she'd wanna kiss you all the time

She said she won the world at a carnival
But I'm sure I didn't ruin her
Just made her more interesting
I'm sure I didn't ruin her
Just made her more interesting

I, I know why
Because when I look in her eyes
I just see the sky
When I look in her eyes
Well I, I just see the sky

I don't love you I'm just passing the time
You could love me if I knew how to lie
But who could love me?
I am out of my mind
Throwing a line out to sea
To see if I can catch a dream."

I throw my arms around him as he finishes the song. "Brendon! That's my favorite song! And you dedicated it to me?" I pull away from the hug with a wide smile on my face. There was a feeling of butterflies filling up my stomach.

"Yeah." He smiles back and looks down at me. His brown eyes made contact with mine, and for a few short moments, it felt as if the world around us just stopped.

Before I know it, Brendon connected our lips together. They felt soft and warm. Though it came as a bit of a surprise at first, I leaned in closer to him, our lips now moving in sinc with one another.

"I...I don't wanna do this, if you don't want to." He pulls away from me and gives me a guilty expression. Did I really wanna do this? Was it something that I was ready for?

"No..I wanna do this." I bite my lip as I glance back at him. Making up my mind now rather than later. And if it was going to be a mistake later on, then so be it. But at this moment, it felt kinda right.

The corner of Brendon's mouth turned up into a half smile before he pressed his lips against mine once more. He never broke contact as he began to pick me up and carry me over in the direction of the bunks.

Far Too Young To Die {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now