Chapter 16 ~ Kicking Ass At Regionals

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Ryder sighs, "Yeah but they didn't exactly hold the best of news."

"You didn't get into any of them?" Finn asks in a quiet voice.

"Yeah." Ryder says.

"Well, that leaves either community college in Lima so you could apply again at the end of the next year or whenever you can and..." Finn says, trailing off.

"The army." Ryder says.

"You sure you want to join the army? That would mean leaving Ryley here in Lima. You do know that that guy Lucas who has a crush on her and that she's been talking to sometimes is coming to McKinley? This whole club is rooting for the two of you and with you gone, Lucas might step in and sweep her off her feet." Finn explains.

Ryder has a serious look of thought on his face, "I'll think about all of this you've told me."

Finn pats Ryder's shoulder, "You should get back to studying the songs."


Ryley and Angie are at their lockers by the choir room the next day. Both of their lockers are open and inside both, are Razor scooters.

"I challenge you, my friend to a scooter race to the courtyard where the others are having lunch." Ryley says.

"Challenge accepted, dude." Angie says.

They get the scooters out and get them ready to race. They zoom down the hallways towards the cafeteria, taking a short cut through the kitchen. They both say hi to Marley's mom who watches them in a bit of surprise as they rush through the kitchen. Angie gets a good lead.

They go through the cafeteria. Angie accidentally crashes into someone and Ryley laughs as she zooms past Angie, who is trying to get up and back on the scooter. Ryley goes outside into the courtyard and sees Ryder, Jake, Marley, Blake, Natalie, Kitty and Gabe at a table. She reaches the table and comes to a skidding halt.

"I bet you!" Ryley shouts with a huge grin as Angie finally arrives.

"Screw you." Angie says with mock anger.

Ryley takes a seat next to Ryder, who puts his arm around her. Angie then goes and sits next to Gabe.

"So you seniors got back your letters yet?" Ryley asks.

"I'm going to Julliard." Kitty says with a smile.

"I'm a finalist for NYADA." Blake says.

"I'm going to Julliard for dancing." Jake says.

"Same but for singing." Marley says.

"What about you, Ryder?" Gabe asks.

"I'm, uh, still waiting." Ryder says, lying. Everyone believes him.

"I hope you get accepted to UCLA or NYU. Preferably NYU because I'm planning on going to Julliard. I want to go to New York to be closer to my sister, cousin and my new bro in law, who plans on moving there when I've graduated." Ryley says.

"I'll try." Ryder says, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Ryley smiles at him brightly then someone in their group changes the subject and they just talk.


The club all arrive at Regionals at Carmel High later in the week. They were all ready to beat their competition; Vocal Adrenaline and the Warblers.

The New Directions wore outfits from the Regionals in 2012. They were in the room backstage, fixing up their outfits and hair while warming up their vocals to perform.

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