Red Flags(He is not worth your time)

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There's no question for this chapter although its realated to a question someone sent me but her question would be published in another chapter.

Don't we girl teens just love to have crushes and want to fall in love; having a highschool romance that would eventually lead to marriage after college. Well most times those just end up being nothing but dreams and only a few actually have the priviledge to actually experience that.

In highschool alot of decisions made can be questionable. In the future you'll be asking yourself that question that all makes us wonder "what was i thinking?"

This question comes up especially when you just broke up with your boyfriend or you got out of an abusive relationship.

High school dating although fun is pretty much always the same, you like a guy for a year, he askes you out another year after and then you break up two months later.

The same stories keep being told. Today I want to personally save you from all the trouble you would have faced. I'm going to give you the signs and red flags he is totally not worth your time.

He may just be a douche bag who you are blinded by his good looks or bad boy attitude. He can also be a good guy who is just not intrested in you. Let's look at the signs!:

1. He is really concerned with appearances, and what other people think of him, to the point where you're not sure if he's doing something for himself or for how impressed other people are going to be.

2. When the two of you are alone together, he's constantly checking his phone. Like constantly. He even forgets you are there and doesn't know when you leave.

3. His go-to activity when the two of you are alone together is to initiate sex. That's it. Not only is he using you but to add to it you are also being very dumb. You should never stay with a guy who only uses you for sex and no sex before marriage is always my motto (it just saves you from a whole load of avoidable trouble). Beware of these type of guys cause your hearth is only going to get broken.

4. The kinds of "dates" that you go on aren't really dates, more just like "hangouts that he was going to do anyway that you happened to get invited on last-minute." He obviousely doesn't want you around, you are just his other or second option or someone who should just be there.

5. He makes fun of the stuff you and your friends like doing together or talking about, because he considers it shallow and stupid. This has a limit and i dont just mean he is joking around. If he's always insulting and being rude to you and your friends then that is a problem.

6. You know that if you were to say the same things about his interests or what his friends like, he would probably stop answering your texts.

7. Your greatest fear is the moment he just totally stops answering you, because a part of you knows that it could happen at any time. Never be with a guy that makes you feel insecure.

8. You're always worried about the idea of "keeping him" and "holding onto him," because part of you thinks that someone is going to come along and steal him.
You can't acknowledge the fact that, in order for someone to "steal him," he'd have to willingly go with him.

9. Even though he does whatever he wants when it comes to his time or his private life, he's irrationally jealous and controlling over what you're doing with your life.

10. You're afraid of truly being yourself around him, because you fear that one day, when you slip up and show your real personality, he's going to immediately leave you.

11. He's constantly bad mouthing his ex: You met him at a party, and he seemed decent enough. But after a few text exchanges, he suddenly can't stop talking about how awful his ex-girlfriend is ("She's crazy and totally evil! Seriously!! Worse than Yzma from The Emperor's New Groove!!!"). If he can't stop talking trash about his ex, he would do the same to you.

12. He's secretive(and weird about it): Every time you go out with this guy, you have a great time-until he pulls out his phone and tries to cover up the name of the person he's texting. Um, what's up with that?

13. He never sends the first text: It's so freakin' frustrating, annoying and irritating. You're always the one to text him first. Always!
A man who is interested in you will always want to contact you, a woman shouldn't have to try so hard.

14.He can't control his anger: It's been a lovely dinner date so far. Your chicken Caesar salad was to die for, and your date is charming, funny and totally sweet. That is, until he starts yelling at the waiter when your strawberry shortcake arrives after 10 minutes (yeah-only 10. WTF?).
A guy that doesn't respect others won't respect you. If he's a total d-bag to everyone around you, it's time to say buh-bye to that guy. Besides, that waiter was actually kind of cute...

15. He's a total flake: He said he'd pick you up for the movie date you had planned together at precisely 8 p.m. It's now 8:45 p.m., and he hasn't answered any of your texts or calls. The movie started 15 minutes ago and you're totally pissed (which you should be).
So if he has a history of breaking his promises, no matter what they are-bid your farewell to the fellow who can't keep his word.

16. He disappears during school breaks: You guys are totally tight when you're up at school together (he lives across the hall from you-so perf!), but when summer break hits, he suddenly goes MIA (missen in action). You're completely baffled-was he kidnapped?
He probably has someone else on the side. If he hasn't responded to your texts or calls after a week, it's safe to assume this dude is done. Time to check out the cuties in your hometown.

17. He thinks the world revolves around him: You're in the middle of describing how much you adore hot yoga when he (rudely) interrupts and shifts the subject focus onto him.
A guy that has no interest in what you have to say is a guy to cut loose. If he's spacing out whenever the topic of conversation relates to you or your passions, it's time to say goodbye to the dude who only cares about himself (ew).

So that's all guys. These are practically all the signs to know a guy isn't worth your time.

If you know any more please share them by commenting.

Hope this helps and makes you a better forehand before having a high school relationship.

Pm me any questions if you have any.

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Real and fake thrills♡☆¤¤♡♡♡

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