Weight Issue

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" I've been suffering from a weight issue for some time now. The problem is not the usual. My doctor recently told me that I am heavily underweight and I may be suffering from anorexia. I'm on a food plan now but I was wondering if you could give suggestions on how to increase my body weight in a healthy manner. Nothing vague like eat fatty or oily food. Thank you."

Anorexia nervosa is a complex eating disorder with three key features:

a. refusal to maintain a healthy body weight
b. intense fear of gaining weight
c. a distorted body image

Because of your dread of becoming fat or disguisted with how your body looks, eating and mealtimes may be very stressful. And yet, what you can and can't eat is practically all you can think about.

Thoughts about dieting, food, and your body may take up most of your day-leaving little time for friends, family, and other activities you used to enjoy. Life becomes a relentless pursuit of thinness and going to extremes to lose weight.

But no matter how skinny you become, it's never enough.

In her case, she mentioned she was underweight and was on a food plan. I obviousely don't know how severe her anorexia is, or if it's bad at all, but I found this really good food plan that people say it works.

Note: This food plan helps you add weight and not loose weight. It is a healthy food plan and is tested by professionals.

Food plan:
Day 1 - 3096 Calories

Breakfast: 722 Calories
Food ItemsCalories
75g/2.65oz Granola
3.5oz Greek Yogurt120
Topping: 28g/1oz chopped Brazil Nuts
1 handful each of Blueberries and Raspberries

Morning Snack: 246 Calories
Food ItemsCalories
2 Oatcakes (oat crackers) tablespoon Peanut Butter Nectarine

Lunch: 844 Calories
Food ItemsCalories
2 Whole Wheat Pita Breads3.5oz
Roast Chicken
medium Avocado (sliced or mashed)
Large handful of Spinach, Watercress
Rocket (Arugula)

Afternoon Snack: 250 Calories
Food ItemsCalories
50g/1.75oz Trail Mix

Dinner: 929 Calories
Food ItemsCalories
140g/5oz Salmon Fillet
100g/3.5oz Brown Basmati Rice (dry weight)
Tahini Broccoli - 85g/3oz cooked Broccoli tossed in 1 tbsp Olive Oil
1 tbsp Tahini and a squeeze of Lemon Juice(2.8oz)
Green Peas (Petits Pois)55

Evening Snack: 105 Calories
Food ItemsCalories
Medium Banana105


Hope this helps out

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