Cute First Love Stories

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There's no question for this chapter.

These stories aren't mine. They are true life stories of other people.

Number 1.
         Well it all begun when we met in the ninth grade, which i believe is a freshman in america terms, we were the best of friends, like i found it incredibly weird that other human being could have the same life goals, as he did with me.

We had jokes that no-one understood, like any bestfriends would, as the tenth grade (sophomore) rolled in, i remember the both of us in class, planning our trip around america, as we dreamed about getting out of australia one day, we just grew closer and closer apart, without realizing that potential feelings would appear in the following year. in eleventh grade, we hung out way more, i went out of my way to see him before and after school, even joining a school production because he was in charge of the ‘behind the scenes’, he was just something so different compared to the other boys i knew, he was passionate about what he loved and had his head on right - he knew where he wanted to go in life.

During the school production, it came clear to others around us, that we were head over heels for each-other, it was odd, because i was told by my bestfriend to open my eyes and realize that this boy was something different as well as teachers of the production telling us, why were weren’t together yet. He knew my order from the local cafe, off by heart, he knew what i was afraid of, he noticed my habits of biting my nails and prevented me from biting them whenever i was, he knew if i was tired by the tone in my voice or the way i would look at him.

I remember, him needing to tell me something good and bad, the bad thing was, that he had too much work on his hands and he didnt want to drag me along so he wanted to end things, which was understandable, but the other thing totally contradicted the bad thing, he admitted that he liked me too much to stop seeing me. i remember a particular point in our relationship, it was the last night, and we had broke into a fight about something so stupid, but when everyone was cleaning up the props and all after an successful last show, i pulled him aside and said, ‘we gotta work this out’, and we did, clearing the things up that was on our mind, and when i was about to walk off to finish cleaning up, he pulled me back into him and kissed me, backstage.

It was incredible, and apparently people walked in on us and teachers found out - they were more excited then anyone, they had wanted us to 'hurry up’ and get together. This is when our relationship begun to grow, the amount of times we stayed up till the early hours of the morning, talking about random things, is uncountable, it was incredible. it was like he was made for me? His hands were perfect to hold like our hands wouold fit together perfectly, his hugs were warm and cuddly, he was just a lovable boy.

We never actually became official, because it wasn’t something we wanted to do, everyone knew though - we developed more and more inside jokes and learnt more and more things about each-other, but we use to fight like crazy, about stupid things too, but it was always always always made up with a 'i love you, okay?’ - he had my heart for a really long time, but unfortunately, our relationship was interfered with both of our exes, his ex came along and push him away from me, and he had a heart of gold, so he wanted to help her, so i came closer with my ex - we drifted away from each-other and it sucked.

When we drifted further away from eachother - we never saw eachother and according to other he was getting attached to his ex again, so i had to unfortunately break it apart, i still loved him so much - which made the situation worse. till this day, i still have feelings for the boy that made my heart ache when we were apart and made a smile appear on my face no matter what - i guess, he taught me what love felt like and looked like. He was my first love, and i wouldn’t change it for anything.

Number 2:
I met him technically through his brother, who was in my grade, in middle school, through a church group we were both a part of. I’m sure absolutely everyone had a crush on him, his brother, or his other brother. They’re all pretty attractive. 

I didn’t know them because they didn’t attend my middle school, but went to a private school. There was a retreat coming up, way up in north jersey at a 4-H camp. Myself and the friends I had joined this group with were all attending, and this is when I fell. 

We did some praying, some meditating, some talking, some community service, etc. It was nice. But this doofy older guy was really, really attractive, and me beign a silly middle school girl was dying to get to know him, even talk to him outside of a group. So once free time hit, I hung with my friends for a little, then went for a walk by myself. I ended up finding a really nice spot to sit and think. While I was there, I thought about how stupid I was being. This guy was already in high school, and I knew I wasn’t attractive, so why am I even bothering?

Nonetheless, I headed back to camp to wander a bit and maybe find my friends. As I passed the rec room of the camp, I heard ping pong balls, but no voices. Either the people playing were really good and quiet, or someone was alone. On an impulse, I walked in. 

He was there, with half the ping pong table up, playing against himself, aiming for the middle of a paper he had taped to the board, saying “I AM NOT CRAZY” I guess referring to the fact that he was having a pretty intense game with himself. 

I said hi, and we talked for a little while, and I fell. Pathetically fell. 

Over the years we became pretty close friends, and had some very deep, close conversations, but nothing ever came to anything. He dated other people and I dated other people. I truly loved one of them, but this guy was always, always in the back of my head. When things blew up to the point of restraining orders with a guy I dated, my life was a mess, and I was really depressed. He could tell, and when he saw me at my locker one day, asked if I was ok, and I explained that I had talked to my ex that day and it did not go well.

He hugged me and told me it was going to be ok, and said he would talk to my ex, to get him to quit headfucking me. Every time I saw him after that day, he asked if I was ok, or flashed a thumbs up, asking silently. He was always so nice and caring to absolutely everyone he met. He doesn’t know how much he helped me through that terrible time in my life. Falling harder for him is the reason I was able to get over my abusive ex. 

He eventually went to college, and we pretty much lost touch. I hadn’t dated for a while, and wouldn’t until college. I cried when I found out that he had gone back to school for spring semester without contacting me the first year he was gone. 

Even know, as I am texting the man I might marry, I think of him. Certain things set me off. I think of all the deep conversations, the hugs that lasted longer than they should have, the almost/maybe stares and looks, the reassuring pats and side-hugs. Every time his name is mentioned I fall even harder. He is dating someone he will probably marry, and that day will hurt, so badly. 

I don’t think I’ll ever not love him, no matter how painfully unrequitted it is.


Sorry for the long wait. I was having exams and infact I still am.

Felt inspired to write this chapter on first loves. Hope you liked the stories as much as I did.

Vote and comment!!!!!

Kisses everyone♡☆♡♡☆♡

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