Chapter 22: Gerudo

Start from the beginning

"Link! The jewel on her forehead! It's brainwashing her! Hit it!" I shouted. Link lifted his borrowed sword and swung down to destroy the jewel on the Gerudo. She shouted in pain and fell on one knee to keep herself stable

"W-what was that..?" She looked up at me and Link staring at her "you two..." She stood "I remember what happened now... Those grandmas did this to us..." She glared "blue maiden... You came all the way here on your own? How did you sneak pass the guards?" She looked at Link "and fairy boy... Your skill is quite intriguing... I thought all men were useless, but for you to risk yourself to save the girl I was about to attack" I actually did feel her, but I was going to attack at the last minute before Link suddenly snapped "you two are quite something. My apologies for attacking and thank you for saving me" she noticed my Gerudo token "oh! You have the token, that means you can go around without getting caught. Although since the other Gerudo are suffering the fate of this brainwashing jewel, it's useless. Did you take care of the others? Since you think I'm the last one?"

"Yes" she nodded

"Perfect... Go on and do as you please. I'll go check on the others... They will offer you a place to stay" she thought for a moment "wasn't Jasmine suppose to bring you here to become locked up?" She shook her head "doesn't matter... She was always the strangest one here next to Nabooru, who is second command of the great- pff- Ganondorf" she rolled her eyes and walked away, throwing a key in the air. Navi caught it

"Seriously, I am so annoyed right now... Just wait and see what Nabooru says" she mumbled to herself as she left the room. Link and I looked outside before we laughed and did a high five

"You were awesome!" Link laughed

"Me? What about you? You came all the way up here and took care of all the brainwashed Gerudo!" He got the key from Navi to free the carpenters waiting to be free. I stared at them bowing their heads to us in thanks and ran off to the exit to go back to their boss

"Do you think they'll be alright?" I asked

"I'm sure they will... It's night after all and the Gerudos are more worried about what happened to them than the carpenters" I stared at how different he looked. That confidence he gained made him glow in a way.

He stared back at me and held my cheeks "you're really pale... Why do you push yourself so much?"

"Well... I didn't really, it's this scythe that drains my magic so quickly" I showed him the scythe. He put his hand on it, but it only went through like a hologram. Whoa...

"Congratulations you two!" We looked over at Jasmine walking in "Gerudo Fortress is finally free from thievery... From now on, we act on our own and stopped the temps to steal from the market or cause any destruction anywhere in Hyrule. We will look down on Ganondorf just as Nabooru had since the very beginning since he was the first born boy of the Gerudo tribe in the last 100 years"

"Wait... What?" Link seemed confused. Jasmine patiently told him the tale of the Gerudo only giving birth to woman and only one boy is born... Yeah, she already told the tales as well as other things while I paid attention to the feel of that aura... I want to look for that piece right now

"Lina" I looked at Jasmine "please worry about the top of the building later... Nobody but the twin grandmas are allowed up there"

"Why?" She glanced to the side "what's... Who's up there"

"I don't even know, no one knows.... But it's something you want to avoid for now. Both of you... It's time for sleep. Tomorrow in the morning you will be headed off to the haunted wasteland" I used my scythe as a walking stick to walk up to her

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